Enrollment Services
Registrar and Student Accounts
Payments should be mailed or made online by credit card or echeck in PittPAY. Payment may be made in person at Enrollment Services in the Hangar Building. We accept cash or paper checks. For those who wish to pay after office hours, a secure drop box is conveniently located to the left of the front doors to the Hangar Building.
IRS Form 1098-T Tuition Statement is an information form filed with the Internal Revenue Service by the University of Pittsburgh. The form is issued each January for the previous tax year to provide tuition and related expenses paid and/or scholarships and grants posted to a student's account.
Receiving Form 1098-T does not guarantee that you qualify to claim an education tax credit or deduction.
Students or their Authorized User may access the form from the 1098-T Quick Link on the Account Summary tab in PittPAY or this secure link: https://pitt.myonplanu.com/us1098tform.
Our office provides academic records, information regarding student accounts and class enrollment, certifies enrollment and Act 48, and is home to institutional research.
Office Hours
Fall and spring terms: 8:30 am - 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday EST/DST
Summer: 8:00am - 4:30pm
Phone: 814-362-7602 or 1-800-872-1787
Fax: 814-362-7635
Email: UPBACCT@pitt.edu
You are now able to order and receive transcripts by electronic PDF. However, please be aware that some institutions and employers may not accept electronic transcripts. You may also place an online order to have your transcript mailed. There is a fee for this service.
If need to order an official transcript go here.
We will still offer over-the-counter services to students, which include:
- Official Transcripts that are signed and sealed
- Enrollment Verification
- Unofficial Transcripts on white paper with no seal for currently enrolled students with a valid student ID card
There is no fee for transcripts and verification of enrollment forms printed at the counter in the Office of Enrollment Services. This free service is for "issued to student" copies only.
Contact us at upbacct@pitt.edu if you have questions.
The University of Pittsburgh is accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools, Commission on Higher Education. Individual school or program accreditation may be verified by contacting the Dean's Office of the academic center identified on the student's record.
Student Information Release Form (FERPA) (FERPA)
Notification of Rights Under FERPA
The Office of the University Registrar WILL NOT release academic information over the phone nor electronically; not even to parents/legal guardians whose dependents have signed the Waiver To Release Educational Records. We do not have a mechanism to verify one's identity over the phone nor electronically.
We recognize that this limitation may cause occasional inconvenience to a student, a student's family, and other interested parties, but we are bound by law to protect our students' rights to privacy.
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)/Student Release affords students certain rights with respect to their education records:
(1) The right to inspect and review the student's educational records within 45 days of the day The University of Pittsburgh at Bradford receives a request for access. Students should submit to the Registrar written requests that identify the record(s) they wish to inspect. The Registrar will make arrangements for access and notify the student of the time and place where the records may be inspected. If the records are not maintained by the Registrar's Office, the Registrar shall advise the student of the correct official to whom the request should be addressed. Educational records are defined as those records related to a student and maintained by the institution or a party acting for the institution. The term "educational records" does not include the following:
Records of instructional, supervisory, administrative, and certain educational personnel which are in the sole possession of the maker thereof, and are not accessible or revealed to any other individual except a substitute who performs on a temporary basis the duties of the individual who made the records.
Records maintained by a law enforcement unit of the college that were created by that law enforcement unit for the purpose of law enforcement.
Records relating to individuals who are employed by the college, which are made and maintained in the normal course of business, relate exclusively to individuals in their capacity as employees, and are not available for use for any other purpose.
Records relating to a student which are
(a) created or maintained by a physician, psychiatrist, or other recognized professional or paraprofessional, acting in his or her professional capacity or assisting in a paraprofessional capacity;
(b) used solely in connection with the provision of treatment to the student; and not disclosed to anyone other than individuals providing such treatment, so long as the records can be personally reviewed by a physician or other appropriate professional of the student's choice. "Treatment" in this context does not include remedial educational activities or activities which are part of the program of instruction at the college.
Records of the college which contain only information relating to a person after that person is no longer a student at the institution.
(2) The right to request the amendment of the student's educational records that the student believes are inaccurate or misleading. Students may ask The University of Pittsburgh at Bradford to amend a record that they believe is inaccurate or misleading. They should write The University of Pittsburgh at Bradford official responsible for the record, clearly identify the part of the record they want changed, and specify why it is inaccurate or misleading. If The University of Pittsburgh at Bradford decides not to amend the record as requested by the student, it will notify the student of the decision and advise the student of his or her right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the student when he or she is notified of the right to a hearing.
(3) The right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the student's educational records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent. One exception which permits disclosure without consent is disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational interests. A school official is a person employed by The University of Pittsburgh at Bradford in an administrative, supervisory, academic or research, or support staff position (including law enforcement unit personnel and health staff); a person or company with whom The University of Pittsburgh at Bradford has contracted (such as an attorney, auditor, or collection agent); a person serving on the Board of Trustees; or a student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee, or assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks. A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an educational record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibility.
(4) The right to request that The University of Pittsburgh at Bradford not release directory information including student's name, address, telephone number, date and place of birth, dates of attendance, degrees, and honors. Requests to withhold directory information should be made in writing to the Registrar within two weeks of the beginning of the semester.
(5) The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by The University of Pittsburgh at Bradford to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the Office that administers FERPA are:
Family Policy Compliance Office, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW., Washington, DC, 20202-4605
Graduation is the completion of all degree requirements as recorded on the official transcript. To officially graduate, students must satisfy all degree program requirements. Applying for graduation is required regardless of your plans to attend Commencement.
Commencement is a ceremony celebrating students who have recently fulfilled or are about to complete all degree program requirements. Participation in Commencement does not ensure automatic graduation (conferral of your degree).
Graduation is not an automatic process. Students must complete the electronic Graduation Application prior to their final semester. When you apply, your term of graduation should be the term in which you will be finishing ALL requirements for your degree. Degrees are awarded for Fall, Spring and Summer. Your degree is conferred upon review and final approval by the Registrar.
Complete the online application by logging into my.pitt.edu and following these instructions.
Your name on your graduation application must be identical to the way it appears in PeopleSoft as your legal name. You will be required to provide legal documentation to change your name. Acceptable forms of documentation are:
- Birth Certificate
- Marriage Certificate
- Divorce Decree
- Formal Court Order
To ensure your diploma is routed to the correct address, you can update your Graduation Address through your My Information link on your dashboard in PeopleSoft/HighPoint CX
Request for Preferred Name on Diploma (Diploma Name)
Students may request to have a preferred first name printed on their diploma. Students should use caution and investigate the potential ramifications of using a Diploma name instead of your legal name if you use your diploma internationally. Transcripts are your official record and will only have your legal name listed.
To request that a Diploma Name appear on your diploma, contact Enrollment Services to complete the Diploma Name Request. The form may either be completed in the office or we can send it to you as a DocuSign.
Application Deadlines: Applications received after the deadline date (for the applicable graduation term) will be processed with additional late fees depending upon the date received. Fees must be paid at the time of online application.
Fall Graduate- December
May begin submission the prior spring- March 1
Deadline to apply without late fee- September 30th
Late fees begin ($25) - October 1
Deadline to Apply (with $25 fee) - December 1
Spring Graduate– April
May begin submission the prior fall-Oct 1
Deadline to apply without late fee-Nov.30th
Late fees begin ($25) - December 1
Deadline to Apply (with $25 fee) - April 1
Summer Graduate -June
May begin submission the prior spring- Feb. 1
Deadline to apply without late fee-March 31st
Late fees begin ($25) - April 1
Deadline to Apply (with $25 fee) - June 1
Summer Graduate- August
May begin submission the prior spring- February 1
Deadline to apply without late fee-May 31st
Late fees begin ($25) - June 1
Deadline to Apply (w/$25 fee) - August 1
Once it is confirmed you have met all requirements, your degree is conferred and a diploma is ordered. Your diploma, along with a complimentary official copy of your final transcript, will be mailed to you at no charge to the address you provided when applying for graduation. You must be in good financial standing with the university to receive your diploma. This process may take 4-6 weeks after final grades are posted for the semester. If your graduation is postponed/denied, you will need to reapply by completing another Graduation Application for a future semester.
Replacement Diplomas
Additional copies of your diploma may be purchased any time after graduation. Requests for additional diplomas can be made to Enrollment Services, 814-362-7602 or upbacct@pitt.edu
We do not keep copies of your diploma on file. A diploma must be ordered from an outside vendor so please allow time for processing.
The fee for each diploma, including mailing, is $25. Diplomas will be in the current style and font and bear the signatures of the current administrators.
The University of Pittsburgh at Bradford holds an annual commencement ceremony that is held immediately following the completion of the spring semester. Students who graduated the prior fall semester, are graduating the current spring or anticipate graduating the upcoming June or August are invited to that commencement ceremony. (Example: December 2024, April, June and August 2025 graduates are invited to the 2025 ceremony held that spring). Information about the ceremony, ordering regalia and tickets will be sent to students who applied around February. This information will come from Student Affairs.
A small ceremony is held a weekend near the end of the fall semester to recognize students who will finish their requirements and earn their degrees upon completion of that semester. These students are also invited back for the formal commencement ceremony held in the spring.
Tuition rates are based on whether or not you are a permanent resident of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. A higher tuition rate is charged to non-residents. If you have lived in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for 12 consecutive months immediately prior to enrollment at any college or university in the state, you may be eligible for reduced tuition rates. To qualify, you must also be a citizen of the United States or have a U. S. immigrant/permanent resident visa. If you are under 22 years of age, you are presumed to have the same domicile as your parents.
Military Affiliation:
Individuals who meet at least one of the following qualifications are eligible for Pennsylvania resident status for tuition billing purposes under Commonwealth of Pennsylvania PL 1226, No. 287, as amended (the “Act”).
Any Veteran, his/her spouse, dependent children or any other individual who is eligible to receive benefits under any of the following:
- Chapter 1606 Montgomery GI Bill® Selected Reserve
- Chapter 1607 Reserve Educational Assistance Program
- Chapter 30 Montgomery GI Bill® Active Duty
- Chapter 31 Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment
- Chapter 33 Post-9/11 GI Bill®
In addition, a child, a spouse, or a surviving spouse who is eligible to receive benefits under Chapter 35 (relating to survivors’ and dependents’ educational assistance) qualifies for the resident tuition rate.
For purposes of the Act, a “Veteran” is any individual who served in the United States Armed Forces, including a reserve component or National Guard, and who was discharged or released from service under conditions other than dishonorable.
If you meet any of the above-listed requirements, please provide a copy of the Service Member’s DD214 and your Certificate of Eligibility from the VA.
- Military personnel who are assigned to an active duty station in Pennsylvania and who reside in Pennsylvania, and their spouses and dependent children. If you meet this requirement, please provide a copy of the active duty member’s orders and a copy of the first page of the most recent IRS Form 1040/1040A displaying the name of the spouse or dependent child, if applicable.
- Civilian personnel employed at a US Department of Defense facility who are transferred to Pennsylvania by the US Department of Defense and who reside in Pennsylvania, and their spouses and dependent children. If you meet this requirement, please provide a letter from the US Department of Defense that documents the transfer to Pennsylvania specifying the name of the person employed, the applicable US Department of Defense facility in Pennsylvania, and the start date, along with a copy of the first page of the most recent IRS Form 1040/1040A displaying the name of the spouse or dependent child, if applicable.
Under Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes Title 51 (Military Affairs), Chapter 32
- Service members of the Pennsylvania National Guard who are receiving the Education Assistance Program (EAP) grant qualify for the resident tuition rate.
If you meet this requirement, you will be reclassified to a Pennsylvania resident once you are an enrolled student and the financial aid office has been notified by the Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency that you have been awarded the EAP grant.
If you do not meet the requirements above but feel you qualify for Pennsylvania tuition rates for other reasons, there is an appeal process. The detailed Tuition Eligibility Guidelines and instructions for appealing are available at payments.pitt.edu/tuition-fees/pa-tuition-rate-eligibility
Did you change your name recently? Please notify us so that we can update your name change on the university computer system. Any name change requires documentation, such as a copy of social security card or court order. You can request a name change by completing the Change form, print the completed form, sign it, attach a copy of the pertinent documentation and return it to the Enrollment Services office. Fees may be assessed in cases where historical records are affected.
If your mailing address, permanent address or telephone number changes, it is important that you notify us immediately. Failure to change an address may result in you not receiving University mailings. You can update your address and telephone number by completing the Change form, print the completed form, sign it, and return it to the Enrollment Services office.
Preferred/Chosen Name
Students, faculty, and staff can refer to themselves by a “preferred/chosen name” other than their legal given or first and/or middle name. A preferred/chosen name can be used in the course of University business and education. Only your first and/or middle name may be replaced by a preferred/chosen name; your last/family name must remain the same as the full legal last name in the University records system.
There may be circumstances in which a preferred/chosen name cannot be used, such as:
- When the use of the legal name is required by University business or legal need.
- When University information systems, databases, and processes require the display of the legal name.
Where there are educational, employment, security or other interests, such as government or legal requirements, you should be prepared to disclose your legal name to university officials.
To change your preferred/chosen name:
- Login to accounts.pitt.edu.
- Next to Set Preferred/Chosen Name, click yes.
- Enter your preferred first and middle (optional) name, then click Update Contact Information.
Note: If you have both your display name and preferred name set, Outlook (Exchange) will use the display name.
You may pay your balance due in full by your due date, or you can elect to enroll in a PittPAY Payment Plan and pay in installments over time instead. Our optional Payment Plan is designed to help families spread out the balance due on the student account over a series of regular installments.
Depending on the date you enroll in a Payment Plan, you may be eligible for up to six installments for fall or spring terms, or up to 3 installments for summer term. Payment Plan installments will be automatically deducted on the 5th of each month from the bank account or credit card you specify when enrolling in the plan.
- All students who owe more than $300 per term qualify.
- Authorized Users can enroll in a payment plan on behalf of their student.
- Students and Authorized Users must be willing to allow automatic withdrawals from a personal U.S. checking account or scheduled charges to debit or credit card.
- The student account must be in good standing. If the student has past due balances, he or she must contact University Collections to find out about alternative payment arrangements.
Payment Plan Ownership
Students or one of the student's Authorized Users can enroll in a Payment Plan in PittPAY. If the student enrolls, the student is owner of the plan; if an Authorized User enrolls, that individual is the owner of the plan. This is important because only the owner of the plan can change the payment method. Both the student and ALL of the student’s Authorized Users will receive Payment Plan notifications by email.
Cost to Participate
There is a $45 non-refundable sign-up fee for the Fall, Spring, and Summer plans. The sign-up fee is deducted from your bank account or charged to your debit or credit card as soon as you complete the enrollment process in PittPAY.
Enrollment Process Overview
To enroll in a payment plan, log into PittPAY above and select the Payments > Payment Plans tab. You will see the payment plan options available to you. The earlier you enroll in a plan, the more installments you can have, so be sure to note the expiration date on each offer. Your installment schedule will update dynamically as you follow the prompts and enter your information in the Budget Worksheet. Once you decide to activate a plan, you will receive an email from PittPAY confirming your enrollment. Login to PittPAY any time to see the status of your plan.
Students can have only one active payment plan at a time during an academic term. Even if a student has more than one Authorized User, they may only have one payment plan for a payment plan period. For example, two Authorized Users cannot both have a fall term Payment Plan for the same student.
Payments Overview
Paying with eCheck, Credit or Debit Card
You can select "eCheck" as your payment method to avoid paying the non-refundable 2.75% service charge associated with each transaction paid by debit or credit card. If you choose to make your monthly installments by credit or debit card, you will be charged a non-refundable 2.75% convenience fee for each transaction.
Payment Plan Rebalancing
Since you can enroll in a Fall Payment Plan before the University has determined tuition, fees, or room and meal plan rates for a new academic year (this typically does not occur until mid-July) and before you have registered for classes for any term, you may need to estimate your Payment Plan Balance in the early months. Later, once tuition and fees are actually posted to your student account, the Payment Plan will switch from the "Estimated" phase to the "Actual" phase and we will periodically rebalance your Payment Plan to match the student account balance.
For example, if the charges on your student account decrease because you dropped some classes, the Payment Plan balance will also decrease during the monthly rebalancing process. Automatic rebalancing makes sure your student account balance will be paid in full by the end of the Payment Plan period.
Failed Payments
You will receive multiple notifications before any installment is processed to give you an opportunity to make sure sufficient funds are available to process each upcoming installment. Once your payment plan is in the Actual Phase, if an installment fails for any reason, the Payment Plan will be automatically terminated. This might occur if a credit card transaction is declined, an eCheck is returned for insufficient funds, or your bank account is closed. You will also be charged a $25 non-refundable fee for each failed payment plan installment. If you wish to enroll in a new plan after this occurs, you may be charged another non-refundable sign-up fee.
Amounts received in excess of your charges will be refunded to you automatically, unless restrictions require that excess amounts be returned to the source. Refunds cannot be mailed until funds are received and credited to your account. Federal regulations prohibit the University from applying loans, grants, or scholarships to the student accounts until 10 days before the first day of any academic term. Fall term refunding follows that schedule, and starts immediately after aid begins applying to student accounts. Financial Aid for Spring term begins to disburse on January 1, and refunding begins on January 2.
Refunding is an automatic process each weekday, but it is suspended during the first two weeks of fall and spring terms during the add/drop period. After confirming that they have a credit balance on their student account, students can still request their refunds when the automated process has been suspended by emailing payments@pitt.edu, and including their seven digit student ID number in the email. Please note, refunds are not issued on anticipated credit balances – only actual balances that result after anticipated aid is disbursed to apply to the account.
When you sign up for eRefunds in PittPAY, you designate the personal U.S. checking or savings account where you want your student refunds to go. With eRefunds, your money will be available in your bank account within 2-3 business days, and address changes won’t delay your refund. This is especially important if you live on campus or away from home.
- Login to PittPAY above and click “Select eRefund preference” from the Account Summary tab.
- Enter the routing and account number of the checking or savings account where you want your refunds to go.
If you do not sign up for eRefunds the credit balances on your student account will be sent by paper check and mailed to your home address. This may not be where you currently reside or intend to reside in the future, so eRefunds is the best way to be sure you receive your money quickly, directly in your bank account, regardless of address changes
If you have never attended the University of Pittsburgh at Bradford, or if you wish to be readmitted, you must be accepted and admitted through the Office of Admissions, 814-362-7555 before you can register for classes. After you are admitted, you will be assigned an advisor who will assist you in planning a program of study. You must be officially registered for all classes you attend. Your advisor must remove your Advising Hold once you have met with them to go over your course selections.
Registration And Add/Drop Form Processing
Students are assigned an Enrollment Appointment (date and time they may begin registering for classes). This Appointment is determined by the number of credits a student has earned. Students should access the PeopleSoft/HighPoint CX task through myPitt.
Students may find their Enrollment Appointment through their Student Center Dashboard. Students may self-enroll in classes once they have met with their advisor, their Advising Hold is lifted and the day and time of their Enrollment Appointment has been reached. Students also must have taken care of any other holds they may have that would prevent registration.
If a student needs assistance registering in courses, they must complete an Enrollment Add/Drop Form listing the classes they need to add and you must list your advisor email so they may sign their approval. The completed form will automatically be forwarded to Enrollment Services in the Hangar Building to be processed.
Students may add or drop classes through Student Center Dashboard up through the last day to add or drop. This deadline is published in each semester’s schedule of classes.
Here is a guide with step by step instructions for accessing PeopleSoft/Highpoint CX for enrolling, viewing your degree progress, viewing midterm and final grades as well as other tools such as Degree Planner. https://www.registrar.pitt.edu/sites/default/files/Campus_Experience_Student_Guide_2.pdf
Students will have an extended drop period. Under special circumstances, an undergraduate may be eligible to drop a course in the third week of fall or spring term. Students must meet all of the following criteria to drop a course during this time:
- Undergraduate
- Undergraduate course
- Fall or spring semester
- Student must remain in full-time status after dropping the course
- Student’s advisor must provide permission to drop through an Enrollment Form and this will be processed only by the Registrar (Hangar Building) or Director of Academic Advising (Hanley Library)
Course Withdrawal
To withdraw from a class after the official end of the add/drop period while still enrolled in other classes, you must process a a Class Withdrawal Form. You must include your advisor’s email so they may approve the request. The form will then be sent to the Enrollment Services Office to process. If approved, the grade "W" will be recorded on your grade report and transcript for that course. "W" grades do not count toward a student's degree, quality point average, and academic progress for purposes of financial aid eligibility. There is no tuition adjustment associated with a course withdrawal. If you wish to drop all of your courses after the end of the add/drop period, you must resign from the term.
Full-Time vs. Part-Time
If you are an undergraduate student registered for 12 to 18 credits in the fall and spring terms you are regarded as a full-time student. You are assessed the current "flat" tuition rate for your school. If you are an undergraduate student registered for 11.5 or fewer credits, you are considered part-time, and you are billed on a per-credit basis.
Undergraduate students are not permitted to register for more than 18 credits, without the permission of the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs.
Undergraduate students who register for more than 18 credits will be billed on a per-credit basis for each additional credit that exceeds their full "flat" tuition rate.
You are billed on a per-credit basis in the summer term.
Class Roster
Once per term, a Class Roster is provided to each of your instructors. If the instructor does not read the names listed on the roster to the class, check with him or her to make sure that your name appears on the roster. If you are attending a class but your name does not appear on the roster, you should contact the Enrollment Services Office immediately. You must be enrolled in a class in order to earn credit for the class.
Please note, that a class for which you are “waitlisted” does not guarantee you an enrollment. A seat must open up and you must then be moved into the class in order to be registered in the class.
Termination of Registration - Dropping All Classes (Resignation)
Students who wish to terminate their enrollment for all courses must do so by officially resigning from the term. To do so, students must first meet with the Dean of Student Affairs to review the resignation process and complete an exit interview. A notification is then sent on the student’s behalf to the Enrollment Services Office and other campus offices to finalize the resignation process. Students may use this link to set up an appointment with the Dean of Student Affairs: https://bit.ly/pitt-bradford-resign
Failing to attend the classes for which a student is registered, or failing to notify the appropriate academic and administrative offices of nonattendance, is not considered an official resignation. Students who fail to follow proper procedures for termination of their registration are responsible for all tuition and fees assessed for the term or session. A student who stops attending a course and does not complete the withdrawal or resignation procedures may be assigned an F grade. The effective date of your resignation will normally be the date you notify the University. Your charges may be prorated depending on the date of resignation.
Title IV Refund Policy
Adjustments to tuition charges resulting from official resignations are based on the effective date of resignation and in accordance with the federally mandated calculation.
The calculation is based on the period of enrollment completed. That percentage is computed by dividing the total number of calendar days in the term into the number of calendar days completed, as of the date of student notification. The percentage of Title IV assistance to which the student is entitled (has "earned") is equal to this percentage of the term completed, up to 60%. If the resignation occurs after 60% of the term is completed, the percentage is equal to 100%. The amount of Title IV aid which must be returned is based on the percentage of "unearned" aid. That percentage is computed by subtracting earned aid from 100%. The University is required to return the lesser of 1) the unearned aid percentage applied to institutional charges or 2) the unearned aid percentage applied to the total Title IV aid received. The student is required to return the difference between the amount of unearned aid and the amount returned by the University. If the student (or parents in the case of PLUS loans) is required to return a portion or all of their loan proceeds, the calculated amount is to be repaid according to the loan's terms. Funds are returned to the following Title IV sources in order of priority: 1. Unsubsidized Federal Family Education Loans (FFEL) 2. Subsidized Federal Family Education Loans (FFEL) 3. Federal Perkins Loans 4. FFEL PLUS loans 5. Federal Pell Grants 6. Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG) program 7. Other Title IV assistance for which a return of funds is required 8. Other federal, state, private, or institutional financial assistance
Students can access their grades in their PeopleSoft/HighPoint Campus Experience (CX), which can be accessed via myPitt. At the CX Dashboard, open the My Academics menu and select Grades.
Midterm grades are usually posted in mid-late October for fall semester and late Feb-early March for spring semester. Please check the current academic calendar and notifications sent via email for exact dates each semester.
The deadline for final grades to be posted may be 3-5 days after the last day of classes each semester. Please check the current academic calendar and notifications sent via email for exact dates each semester.
You may apply to relocate to the Pittsburgh campus (or any regional campus) during the term in which, upon completion, you will meet the requirements listed below. Students that originally applied to the Pittsburgh campus but were admitted to the Bradford campus as part of the Options Program must also attend the regional campus and meet the minimum requirements before they are eligible to apply for possible relocation to Pittsburgh.
The Relocation Request form is available in the Enrollment Services Office (Hangar Building) upbacct@pitt.edu. Your application and file will be forwarded to the appropriate office in Pittsburgh (or at the regional campus to which you are applying). You will be contacted by the appropriate office at the campus to which you have applied within three to six weeks concerning your acceptance. During this time, it is highly recommended that you also contact the housing office at the appropriate campus to which you are applying if you will be seeking housing. You should also contact the office of financial aid at the campus to which you are applying. Please note that Pitt-Bradford merit scholarships are not transferable to any other University of Pittsburgh campus.
Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences (Pittsburgh Campus)
- For students seeking guaranteed transfer relocation who have earned credits only from one of the regional campuses, the normal requirement will be the completion of 45 credits at the specific regional campus, with a minimum GPA of 3.0.
- For students seeking guaranteed transfer relocation who have earned 30 or more credits at the specific regional campus and a total of 60 credits overall, a minimum GPA of 3.0 in all courses is required.
- For students seeking transfer relocation who have between 15 and 30 credits at the specific regional campus and a total of 60 credits overall, a minimum GPA of 3.0 is required in all courses and the normal requirements of the Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences for external transfer students must be met. For these students, relocation is not guaranteed. Students must complete at least 15 credits at the regional campus to transfer to the Pittsburgh campus.
- Students with a 3.0 GPA, who would have been directly admissible to the Pittsburgh campus as freshmen, may be considered for relocation with fewer than the above number of college credits.
College of General Studies (Pittsburgh Campus)
The College of General Studies relocation requirements include: (1) completion of 60 credits, 45 of which must be completed at the regional campus, (2) if you transferred to a Regional Campus, you must complete 60 credits overall and earned 30 or more at the regional campus, and (3) a minimum GPA of 3.0.
Business Administration (Pittsburgh Campus)
The College of Business Administration requirements are as follows: (1) completion of at least 30 credits at UPB with a minimum GPA of 3.0; (2) completion of required courses in calculus (MATH 0136 or MATH 0140) and economics (ECON 0102 and 0103) with a GPA of 3.00 or higher; and (3) completion of the general education courses appropriate for the College of Business Administration. These guidelines do not include a guarantee of admission. You may mail your transcripts for an unofficial credit evaluation to the College of Business Administration, Office of Admissions, 2100 Sennott Square, Pittsburgh, PA 15260. Transcripts may also be faxed to (412) 383-9606. For more information, please see https://cba.pitt.edu/admission/current-students/internal-transfer-guidelines-for-students-enrolled-after-fall-2015/.
School of Computing and Information (Pittsburgh Campus)
Students that matriculated to a Pitt campus 2197(summer 2019) or earlier:
The School of Computing and Information (SCI) relocation requirements include: (1) must have completed at least 55 credits (which may include current term credits), and (2) have an overall GPA of at least 3.0 if currently enrolled at a regional campus. Please note the additional degree-specific requirements below.
Regional transfer students may apply to relocate directly to SCI if they have met both the relocation requirements listed above and the degree-specific admissions requirements listed below. Those who do not meet the both the relocation requirements and degree-specific admissions requirements must apply to relocate first to the Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences.
Additional degree-specific admissions requirements:
- Bioinformatics: BIOSC 0150 (BIOL 0101) and 0160 (BIOL 0102) and CHEM 0110 (CHEM 0101) and 0120 (CHEM 0102) with grades of C or better (not C-).
- Computer Engineering: 3.0 GPA, equivalent of Freshman Engineering Curriculum Requirements with grades C or better.
- Computer Science: equivalents for 4 of the 5 CS core classes: CS 0401, 0441, 0445, 0447, 0449
- Information Science: equivalent for INFSCI 0010
Fall 2019 on:
Internal Transfer Guidelines
To be considered for admission, internal transfer and second Pitt bachelor’s degree applicants must:
- Complete at least 24 credits with a GPA of at least 2.75 (Pittsburgh campus) or 3.0 (Regional campuses and second Pitt bachelor’s).
- Finish the equivalent of the First-year SCI Curriculum with grades of "C" or better in each course. The first-year SCI curriculum must minimally include the SCI quantitative mathematics and statistics requirements, programming, and introductory composition. Completion of CMPINF 0010: Big Ideas in Computing and Information course is strongly recommended.
Please note that these GPA requirements are for consideration only. Individual undergraduate programs reserve the right to close admission to a major once capacity has been reached. Preference will be given to students ready to declare a major. Internal applicants’ credentials will be evaluated as they exist at the time of application; if grades have not been posted for relevant courses, students will be considered for provisional admission with an undeclared major.
School of Health and Rehabilitative Sciences (SHRS) (Pittsburgh Campus)
Students must apply to the Athletic Training, Communication Science, Emergency Medicine, Health Informatics, Rehabilitation Science, Nutrition Science, and Dietitian Nutritionist program using the SHRS online application for internal Pitt students; a relocation form is only required for students admitted to these programs. Please visit the SHRS website for application and admission requirements for each specific program. Please note that admission to programs is competitive and meeting the minimum admission criteria does not guarantee admission.
Swanson School of Engineering (Pittsburgh Campus)
To be considered for admission, you must have a cum GPA of at least 3.00 and completed the appropriate first-year Engineering coursework (minimum of 34 credits) at a regional campus. Bradford students in the ME or EE programs must complete two years before transferring to the main campus. Bioengineering requires a 3.50 GPA. Students wishing to major in Industrial will need a 3.0 GPA or higher with C or better grades in Engineering curriculum (Calculus I, II, Physics I, II, CHEM 1,2, ENGR 15 &16). (Please note that these GPA requirements are FOR CONSIDERATION ONLY. Subject to space availability in the program of choice.
Regional Campus (Greensburg)
To be considered for relocation, you must have a GPA of at least 2.00.
Regional Campuses (Johnstown, Titusville)
To be considered for relocation, you must have a minimum GPA of 2.00 and completion of at least 24 credits.
This is a debit account available to all students and may be used in the Dining Room, the Hanley Library Café, the Commons Café, the CALCS, the Panther Shop, in vending machines, and in the campus laundry. You simply put money on your Panther ID Card. Funds may be added to your card by the Enrollment Services (Hangar Building 814-362-7602) Office using cash, check or credit card.
The University of Pittsburgh will email you a Balance Due Notification. The email will instruct you to login to your PIttPAY account to view your account activity and options for paying the amount due.
You can pay your balance in full by the due date listed in PittPAY or you can elect to participate in the payment plan option.
Making Payments
You may make your payment by mail, via the web through Pitt Pay by accessing https://payments.pitt.edu, or in person in the Enrollment Services Office.
Payment by Credit Card
- The University will not accept credit card payments directly for payment of tuition, fees, room and board which appear on the student billing statement. Credit card payments will be able to be made only through PittPAY, and will be processed by the vendor.
- You will be charged a service fee of 2.75% by the vendor for this service.
- Visa, Discover Card, and MasterCard will be accepted when payment is made through PittPAY.
- Credit card payments may only be made online and cannot be made by mail, phone, or in person.
eCheck Payments
You can make eCheck payments online through your PittPAY account. You will need the routing and account number from a personal U.S. checking account to process an eCheck payment You will not be charged a fee if you pay by eCheck.
International Payments
The University of Pittsburgh partners with Flywire to provide a fast and secure way to make international education payments to your student account in PittPAY.
You or any of your Authorized User can process an international payment from the Make Payment tab in PittPAY by selecting "International Payment via Flywire" as your payment method. This is the University's only/p> approved method for inbound payments to the student account from outside the U.S. and ensures that your payment can be credited to your account the moment we receive it. Click this link for more details, https://payments.pitt.edu/international-payments/.
Late Payments and Holds
Your balance is due by the due date listed for the semester unless you have enrolled in a payment plan. If you fail to pay your statement or the designated Payment Plan amount by the due date, late fees and financial holds are placed on the account.
- $50 fee and hold first deadline missed
- Following month, $200 fee and hold
- After this, account referred to University Collections and $100 Collection fee assessed.
Student Service Holds
You may find that you have a Student Service Hold when you come to conduct business in our office. Holds can be placed by a variety of University offices. If you have a hold, you will be referred to the appropriate office to resolve the matter before you can register or transact any University business. Types of holds include academic, missing data, disciplinary, high school transcript, immunization, and financial.
Forms Available Online
Students that would like to change their major or declare/change a minor or concentration should make an appointment with the Academic Advising Center (located upstairs in Hanley Library) for assistance.
- Major Form
- Minor Form
- Name/Address Change Form
- PSY 1496 Counseling Psy Internship
- Relocating to a different university campus
- Repeat a course form
- Request a substitution or waiver form
- Request a transcript or enrollment verification
- Student Information Release Form (FERPA)
- Undergraduate Faculty Assistant Proposal Form
Our Staff

Registrar and Director of Enrollment Services
Office of the Registrar & Enrollment Services
Email: marrone@pitt.edu
Phone: 814-362-7601
Location: 117 Hangar Building