Chemistry - BS
If you want to discover what things are made of, become a chemist and find out.
Why study chemistry at Pitt-Bradford?
The work chemists do is important to everyday life. They help create medicines, develop chemical processes to preserve food and clean our clothes, and determine which chemical will nourish the environment and which ones will harm it.
What will I learn?
As a chemistry student, you'll work with the latest equipment and software. Equipment like the Fourier Transform-Infrared Spectrometer. It provides a “fingerprint” identification for unknown compounds. You'll get to use Wave Function software for Computational Chemistry that visualizes the structure of complex molecules. You can also write and present research findings at national meetings. Maybe you'll get it published.
What can I do with a degree in chemistry?
With your chemistry degree, you'll have many career options. You can go to work at places such as American Refining Group, Bristol Meyers-Squibb or Eli Lilly. Or, you can go to graduate school. Our graduates have gone to Penn State University, Indiana University and the University of Nebraska.
Job titles:
- Analytical chemist
- Clinical technician/specialist
- EPA inspector
- Food scientist/technologist
- Laboratory research assistant
- Laboratory technician
- Medical technologist
- Polymer chemist
- Quality control technician
- Toxicologist
- Research laboratory
- Pharmaceutical industry
- Manufacturing industry
- Government
- Health care industry
- College or university
- Energy industry
- Environmental protection organizations
CHEM 0201
Introduction To Analytical ChemistryEvaluation of analytical data, quantitative and qualitative analysis, gravimetric analysis, volumetric analysis, precipitation titration, neutralization titration, oxidation-reduction analysis, potentiometric methods, spectroscopic methods, chromatography, and fundamental methods of analysis used by all chemists in research. -
CHEM 0206
Organic Chemistry 1The chemistry of carbon compounds with emphasis on the methods of preparation and the characteristic properties and reactions of the important classes of organic compounds.