
We’re committed to providing a welcoming environment for all of our students, including veterans. It’s why we were named a Military Friendly School by Viqtory for the 14th consecutive year, and a Military Friendly Spouse School for the second year.
If you have served our country in the Active Duty Military, the Reserves or the National Guard, you may be eligible for education benefits. Under certain circumstances, spouses and children of veterans may also be eligible for education benefits.
We’re here to help you file all documentation related to the GI Bill®. You can get help from Bob Dilks Jr. 814-362-7693, director of transfer and nontraditional student recruitment, or Melissa Ibanez 814-362-7550, director of financial aid.
The Veterans Administration may require extra time to process new applications for education benefits. It is very important to begin the application process well in advance of the term in which you are planning to enroll.
"GI Bill®” is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government website at
Let's get started.
Veteran Admission Process
Good news: We waive the application fee for veterans. Just enter the code "VETR" in the fee waiver box under your name on the online application or attach a note to the printed application with the code on it.
There are a few ways you can apply:
- Complete an application online
- Stop by the Admissions Office located in Hanley Library and pick up an application.
- Call our Admissions Office at 814-362-7555 or 800-872-1787, or e-mail Bob Dilks Jr. at to request a paper application.
Documentation you'll need for the admission process:
- Official paper transcripts from your high school or copy of GED diploma and scores
- Official transcripts from any/all colleges previously attended (if applicable)
- Copy of your DD214 discharge form
All documentation can be mailed to or dropped of at:
University of Pittsburgh at Bradford
Office of Admissions
Hanley Library
300 Campus Drive
Bradford, PA 16701
Readmission Policy
Service members who are attending classes or returning from active duty should review the University of Pittsburgh Readmission Policy.
Benefits - New students
New and Transfer Students to Pitt-Bradford must submit a Letter or Certificate of Eligibility to the Office of Financial Aid in order for VA Education Benefits can be certified. See below for your chapter and instructions for applying.
CHAPTER 30 (MGIB), CHAPTER 33 (post 9/11), CHAPTER 1606 (MGIB-SR), and CHAPTER 1607 (REAP)
- You can apply for your education benefits using
- Go to
- Click on "Apply for Education Benefits"
- From here you can choose to apply for a new benefit or to update your current education benefits.
- If you are having difficulty with this process:
- You can call a VA Education Case Manager (1-888-GIBill1) to ask for help.
- You can also submit a paper application.
- To do this, download and complete VA Form 22-1990 "Application for VA Education Benefits" and mail it to a VA Regional Processing Office.
- You can mail the form to the region of your home address or to the VA Regional Processing Office for the region of your school's physical address if you know what school you want to attend.
- Paper applications can take 8 to 12 weeks to process, and subsequent paperwork usually takes an additional 6 to 8 weeks.
- A Letter or Certificate of Eligibility will be mailed to you.
- The School Certifying Official needs the Letter or Certificate to certify benefits,
- Submit the Letter or Certificate of Eligibility to the Office of Financial Aid.
- The Notice of Benefit Eligibility (NOBE) will not suffice.
- Verify Your Enrollment and Attendance for Monthly Payments.
- If you are using benefits under Chapter 30, Chapter 1606, or Chapter 1607 you must certify your attendance to the Department of Veterans Affairs at the end of each month in order to receive your monthly payment.
- Log in to the Department of Veterans Affairs website to verify your school enrollment.
- Or, call to verify your enrollment at 1-877-823-2378.
VA Education Benefits for Survivors & Dependents
CHAPTER 33 and 35
The Dependents' Educational Assistance (DEA) program offers education and training opportunities to eligible dependents of veterans who are permanently and totally disabled due to a service-related condition or of Veterans who died while on active duty or as a result of a service-related condition.
Eligibility: You must be the son, daughter, or spouse of:
- A veteran who died or is permanently and totally disabled as the result of a service-connected disability. The disability must arise out of active service in the armed forces.
- A veteran who died from any cause while such permanent and total service-connected disability was in existence.
- A service member missing in action or captured in line of duty by a hostile force.
- A service member forcibly detained or interned in line of duty by a foreign government or power.
- A service member who is hospitalized or receiving outpatient treatment for a service connected permanent and total disability and is likely to be discharged for that disability. This change is effective Dec. 23, 2006.
You may receive up to 45 months of education benefits. Effective Oct. 1, 2013, some DEA beneficiaries may be eligible for up to 81 months of GI Bill® benefits if they use the Survivors and Dependents Educational Assistance program in conjunction with an entitlement from other VA education programs
You can apply for your education benefits using
- Submit the VA Form 22-5490 online
- To do this, complete the VA Form 22-5490 “Dependents’ Application for VA Education Benefits”
- If you are experiencing difficulties completing the form, you can call a VA Education Case Manager (1-888-GIBILL) to get assistance with the form
A Letter or Certificate of Eligibility will be mailed to you.
- The School Certifying Official needs the Letter or Certificate to certify benefits,
- Submit the Letter or Certificate of Eligibility to the Office of Financial Aid.
- The Notice of Benefit Eligibility (NOBE) will not suffice.
If you are a son or daughter, under legal age, a parent or guardian must sign the application.
A Letter or Certificate of Eligibility will be mailed to you.
- The School Certifying Official needs the Letter or Certificate to certify benefits,
- Submit the Letter or Certificate of Eligibility to the Office of Financial Aid.
- The Notice of Benefit Eligibility (NOBE) will not suffice.
If you have questions about the application process, contact the VA at 1-888-GIBILL1.
Federal Tuition Assistance (FTA) Education Benefits
Apply for FTA at
- Eligible Active Guard Reserve (AGR) soldiers must apply for the Education Assistance Program (EAP).
- When you have successfully completed the application, an email will be sent to your military email account.
- Please forward a copy of that email to
- FTA and EAP cannot exceed tuition and fees. If they do, excess funds must be returned to EAP.
- National Guard and Reserve M-day service members can receive Federal TA for some classes, and receive Chapter 1606 or 1607 benefits for other classes (for which Federal TA isn't paid) during the same term.
- If you have questions about the FTA application process, call 1-717-861-9238.
FTA -- The Department of Defense (DoD) has directed a uniform TA fiscal policy across the military services. Per-semester hour cap is $250, and the fiscal year ceiling is $4,500. The Army will pay 100 percent of the tuition and authorized fees charged by a school up to the established per-semester hour cap and fiscal year ceiling.
Current Army policy limits TA to 130 semester hours of undergraduate credit or baccalaureate degree, whichever comes first, and 39 semester hours of graduate credit or master's degree, whichever comes first. The 39 semester hour limit applies to all credits taken after completion of a baccalaureate degree.
Authorized fees covered by TA are mandatory fees that are associated with an individual course enrollment. Non-refundable fees and fees that are not linked to individual course enrollments (e.g., application fees, graduation fees) are not covered by TA.
Provide a copy of your Tuition Assistance Authorization (TAA) to the Office of Financial Aid each semester you will be receiving FTA.
Education Assistance Program (EAP)
- Complete EAP Form 2 at your unit of assignment for each academic year.
- The deadline for fall and spring terms is prior to the start of the term.
- The deadline for summer terms is prior to the start of the term.
- We recommend you make and keep a copy of your EAP Form 2 for future reference.
- Notify the Financial Aid Office each semester you expect to receive EAP. (this is important)
- Change of school, change of enrollment, or change of address must be submitted on EAP Form 3.
- If you have questions about the EAP application process, call 1-717-861-8894 or your readiness NCO.
EAP -- Together with the Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, PHEAA administers this tuition assistance program for students who enter into a service commitment with the Pennsylvania National Guard for a period of six years.
To be considered for the Pennsylvania National Guard Education Assistance Program (EAP), you must: Be a resident (bona fide domiciliary) of Pennsylvania and be enrolled in a degree- or certificate-granting program of study at an approved Pennsylvania institution.
Undergraduate students can expect to receive up to 100% of the tuition at the institution where they are enrolled OR 100% of the tuition charged to a PA resident at a state-owned university if full time (the LESSER of the two). If part time, students can expect to receive 100% of the tuition for a part-time course of study OR two-thirds of the full-time tuition charged to a PA resident at a state-owned university (the LESSER of the two).
Note -- PHEAA will inform the Office of Financial Aid of students that are approved for EAP on a roster each semester. Once our office receives this roster, funds are posted to the Student Accounts.
Chapter 31 Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment Benefits - Service members who have a disability that began or became worse during active duty and who have not yet received a Service-Connected Disability Rating do not need to wait to apply. See VA Form 28-0588 for further instructions. Eligible Service members and Veterans may also apply for educational vocational counseling by filling out VA Form 28-8832 electronically or by hand and submitting it to your nearest VA Regional Office.
For Service members: Ill or injured Service members who have not yet received an SCD rating do not need to wait to apply. Service members expecting a discharge that is not dishonorable who possess a VA memorandum or Integrated Disability Evaluation System (IDES) rating of 20 percent or more—as well as Service members currently going through a Physical Evaluation Board—may be eligible to receive Vocational Rehabilitation (VocRehab) services.
You can apply for your education benefits using
- Go to
- Click on "Apply for Education Benefits"
- Choose Vocational Rehabilitation (Form 28-1900) from the drop down menu and follow the prompts to fill out the form.
- From here you can choose to apply for a new benefit or to update your current education benefits.
- If you are having difficulty with this process:
- You can call a VA Education Case Manager (1-888-GIBill1) to ask for help.
- You can also submit a paper application.
- To do this, download and complete VA Form 22-1990 "Application for VA Education Benefits" and mail it to a VA Regional Processing Office.
- You can mail the form to the region of your home address or to the VA Regional Processing Office for the region of your school's physical address if you know what school you want to attend.
- Paper applications can take 8 to 12 weeks to process, and subsequent paperwork usually takes an additional 6 to 8 weeks.
A Letter or Certificate of Eligibility will be mailed to you.
- The School Certifying Official needs the Letter or Certificate to certify benefits,
- Submit the Letter or Certificate of Eligibility to the Office of Financial Aid.
- The Notice of Benefit Eligibility (NOBE) will not suffice.
Benefits - Returning or Transfer Students
Returning Students who have had previous VA Benefit certification through Pitt-Bradford Office of Financial Aid should notify the School Certifying Official (SCO) of any changes to enrollment, school, or benefit. If there are no changes, you are registered for classes and your file is complete, the SCO will certify your benefits based on your previous attendance.
CHAPTER 30 (MGIB), 33 (post 9/11), 1606 (MGIB-SR), and 1607 (REAP)
- You can apply for your education benefits using
- Go to eBenefits
- Click on "Apply for Veterans Benefits via VONAPP"
- Create a VONAPP account or log in using your existing account.
- If you don't have an eBenefits account, register today.
- Here are screenshots to assist you.
- Also, you can call a VA Education Case Manager (1-888-GIBill1) to ask for help.
- You can also submit a paper application.
- To do this, download and complete VA Form 22-1990 "Application for VA Education Benefits" and mail it to a VA Regional Processing Office.
- You can mail the form to the region of your home address or to the VA Regional Processing Office for the region of your school's physical address if you know what school you want to attend.
- Paper applications can take 8 to 12 weeks to process, and subsequent paperwork usually takes an additional 6 to 8 weeks.
- For more information on how to apply online visit Education Apply for Benefits.
- A Letter or Certificate of Eligibility will be mailed to you.
- The School Certifying Official needs the Letter or Certificate to certify benefits.
- Submit the Letter or Certificate of Eligibility to the Office of Financial Aid.
- The Notice of Benefit Eligibility (NOBE) will not suffice.
- Verify Your Enrollment and Attendance for Monthly Payments.
- If you are using benefits under Chapter 30, Chapter 1606, or Chapter 1607 you must certify your attendance to the Department of Veterans Affairs at the end of each month in order to receive your monthly payment.
- Log in to the Department of Veterans Affairs website to verify your school enrollment.
- Or, call to verify your enrollment at 1-877-823-2378.
VA Education Benefits for Survivors & Dependents
CHAPTER 33 and 35
The Dependents' Educational Assistance (DEA) program offers education and training opportunities to eligible dependents of veterans who are permanently and totally disabled due to a service-related condition or of Veterans who died while on active duty or as a result of a service-related condition.
Eligibility: You must be the son, daughter, or spouse of:
- A veteran who died or is permanently and totally disabled as the result of a service-connected disability. The disability must arise out of active service in the armed forces.
- A veteran who died from any cause while such permanent and total service-connected disability was in existence.
- A service member missing in action or captured in line of duty by a hostile force.
- A service member forcibly detained or interned in line of duty by a foreign government or power.
- A service member who is hospitalized or receiving outpatient treatment for a service connected permanent and total disability and is likely to be discharged for that disability. This change is effective Dec. 23, 2006.
You may receive up to 45 months of education benefits. Effective Oct. 1, 2013, some DEA beneficiaries may be eligible for up to 81 months of GI Bill® benefits if they use the Survivors and Dependents Educational Assistance program in conjunction with an entitlement from other VA education programs
- You can apply for your education benefits using
- Go to eBenefits
- Click on "Apply for Veterans Benefits via VONAPP"
- Create a VONAPP account or log in using your existing account.
- If you don't have an eBenefits account, register today.
- Here are screenshots to assist you.
- Also, you can call a VA Education Case Manager (1-888-GIBill1) to ask for help.
If you are a son or daughter, under legal age, a parent or guardian must sign the application.
A Letter or Certificate of Eligibility will be mailed to you.
The School Certifying Official needs the Letter or Certificate to certify benefits,
Submit the Letter or Certificate of Eligibility to the Office of Financial Aid.
The Notice of Benefit Eligibility (NOBE) will not suffice.
If you have questions about the application process, contact the VA at 1-888-GIBILL1.
Federal Tuition Assistance (FTA) Education Benefits
Apply for FTA at
- Eligible Active Guard Reserve (AGR) soldiers must apply for the Education Assistance Program (EAP).
- When you have successfully completed the application, an email will be sent to your military email account.
- Please forward a copy of that email to
- FTA and EAP cannot exceed tuition and fees. If they do, excess funds must be returned to EAP.
- National Guard and Reserve M-day service members can receive Federal TA for some classes, and receive Chapter 1606 or 1607 benefits for other classes (for which Federal TA isn't paid) during the same term.
- If you have questions about the FTA application process, call 1-717-861-9238.
FTA -- The Department of Defense (DoD) has directed a uniform TA fiscal policy across the military services. Per-semester hour cap is $250, and the fiscal year ceiling is $4,500. The Army will pay 100 percent of the tuition and authorized fees charged by a school up to the established per-semester hour cap and fiscal year ceiling.
Current Army policy limits TA to 130 semester hours of undergraduate credit or baccalaureate degree, whichever comes first, and 39 semester hours of graduate credit or master's degree, whichever comes first. The 39 semester hour limit applies to all credits taken after completion of a baccalaureate degree.
Authorized fees covered by TA are mandatory fees that are associated with an individual course enrollment. Non-refundable fees and fees that are not linked to individual course enrollments (e.g., application fees, graduation fees) are not covered by TA.
Provide a copy of your Tuition Assistance Authorization (TAA) to the Office of Financial Aid each semester you will be receiving FTA.
Education Assistance Program (EAP)
- Complete EAP Form 2 at your unit of assignment for each academic year.
- The deadline for fall and spring terms is prior to start of the term.
- The deadline for summer terms is prior to the start of the term.
- We recommend you make and keep a copy of your EAP Form 2 for future reference.
- Notify the Financial Aid Office each semester you expect to receive EAP. (this is important)
- Change of school, change of enrollment, or change of address must be submitted on EAP Form 3.
- If you have questions about the EAP application process, call 1-717-861-8894 or your readiness NCO.
EAP -- Together with the Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, PHEAA administers this tuition assistance program for students who enter into a service commitment with the Pennsylvania National Guard for a period of six years.
To be considered for the Pennsylvania National Guard Education Assistance Program (EAP), you must: Be a resident (bona fide domiciliary) of Pennsylvania and be enrolled in a degree- or certificate-granting program of study at an approved Pennsylvania institution.
Undergraduate students can expect to receive up to 100% of the tuition at the institution where they are enrolled OR 100% of the tuition charged to a PA resident at a state-owned university if full-time (the LESSER of the two). If part-time, students can expect to receive 100% of the tuition for a part-time course of study OR two-thirds of the full-time tuition charged to a PA resident at a state-owned university (the LESSER of the two).
Note -- PHEAA will inform the Office of Financial Aid of students that are approved for EAP on a roster each semester. Once our office receives this roster, funds are posted to the Student Accounts.
Chapter 31 Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment Benefits
Go to eBenefits.
Click on "Apply for Veterans Benefits via VONAPP".
Create a VONAPP account or log in using your existing account.
Choose Vocational Rehabilitation (Form 28-1900) from the drop-down menu and follow the prompts to fill out the form.
Service members who have a disability that began or became worse during active duty and who have not yet received a Service-Connected Disability Rating do not need to wait to apply. See VA Form 28-0588 for further instructions.
Eligible Service members and Veterans may also apply for educational vocational counseling by filling out VA Form 28-8832 electronically or by hand and submitting it to your nearest VA Regional Office.
For Service members: Ill or injured Service members who have not yet received an SCD rating do not need to wait to apply. Service members expecting a discharge that is not dishonorable who possess a VA memorandum or Integrated Disability Evaluation System (IDES) rating of 20 percent or more—as well as Service members currently going through a Physical Evaluation Board—may be eligible to receive Vocational Rehabilitation (VocRehab) services.
Military Experience Credit Review
Apply to have your military experiences reviewed by Pitt-Bradford for possible credit.
You may submit military transcripts with a request that work completed within the Armed Forces be considered for course credit at Pitt-Bradford. This includes work completed in formal service schools and training programs.
The Department of Defense recently created the Joint Services Transcript (JST). Request your military transcript.
Credit for Health and Physical Education Courses: Students who have a DD214 (Release or Discharge from Active Duty) verifying honorable discharge may be eligible to receive credit for physical education. Students should submit a copy of the original "member 4" copy of the DD214 to the Office of Admissions during the application process. Please contact Bob Dilks Jr, Director of Transfer and Nontraditional Student Recruitment / Military Liaison in the Office of Admissions, 814-362-7555, or by email: if you have questions about the process.
Enrollment and Attendance Verification
Verify Your Enrollment and Attendance for Monthly Payments.
If you are using benefits under Chapter 30, Chapter 1606, or Chapter 1607 you must certify your attendance to the Department of Veterans Affairs at the end of each month in order to receive your monthly payment.
- Log in to the Department of Veterans Affairs website to verify your school enrollment.
- Or, call to verify your enrollment at 1-877-823-2378.
Veteran Student Course Scheduling Policy
The Higher Education Course Scheduling Preference for Veteran Students Act (Act of May 14, 2014, P.L. 667, No. 46 (known as “Act 46”)) provides for Veteran Students to receive course scheduling preference at public institutions of higher education in Pennsylvania.
- Veteran Student – An individual who (i) is a Veteran (as defined below) or is an active duty service member, (ii) has been admitted to the University of Pittsburgh, and (iii) resides in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania while enrolled at the University of Pittsburgh.
- Veteran – An individual who (1) has served in the United States Armed Forces, including a reserve component of the National Guard, and (2) was discharged or released from such service under conditions other than dishonorable.
Veterans who completed their obligated service in the Reserves and National Guard but were not deployed to active duty are included in this definition of Veteran. Veteran Students may or may not be using veterans educational benefits at the institution. Act 46 applies to Veteran Students admitted to all for-credit courses and programs offered at the institution.
Course Scheduling Preference:
The priority enrollment period will begin the Friday before the published Monday enrollment period. Enrollment appointments for Veteran Students will begin at 8:30am the Friday before the standard Monday enrollment appointments, and will be assigned in order, according to credits completed. Veteran Students who have completed the highest number of credits will get the earliest enrollment appointments, while those who have completed the lowest number of credits will get the latest enrollment appointments. Enrollment appointment dates and times can be found in each student’s PeopleSoft Student Center.
Point of Contact:
If you have any questions or wish to update your Veteran status at the University of Pittsburgh at Bradford, please contact either Ms. Melissa Ibanez,, or Mr. James Baldwin,
Act 46 of 2014 requires public institutions of higher education in Pennsylvania to provide veteran students, as defined in the Act, with preference in course scheduling. Non-compliance may be reported to the Pennsylvania Department of Education by submitting the Higher Education Student Complaint form found at
Your Federal Student Aid Shopping Sheet
This Shopping Sheet allows you to see the estimated cost of attending the University of Pittsburgh, your financial aid package, the net cost of your education, work, and loan options as well as other important financial aid information.
To access your Federal Student Aid Shopping Sheet, log into your account with your established username and password. Follow these steps to access your Shopping Sheet:
- Go to Self Service> Campus Finances> View Financial Aid
- Choose your appropriate aid year (ex. 2015)
- Click on the Shopping Sheet link located at the bottom of the Aid Year section
The Shopping Sheet contains the most current information that you have provided to the University of Pittsburgh through your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Your information may be incomplete if you have not yet filled out your FAFSA. You can complete your FAFSA at
Helpful Resources
- The College Scorecard is a planning tool and resource to assist prospective students and their families as they evaluate options in selecting a school.
- The College Navigator is a consumer tool that provides school information including tuition and fees, retention and graduation rates, use of financial aid, and student loan default rates, and features a cost calculator and school comparison tool.
- The Financial Aid Comparison Shopper/Paying for College worksheet from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is a cost comparison worksheet tool. You can enter the names of three schools and receive detailed financial information for each.
Financial Aid Advisors
Pitt-Bradford provides you with access to a financial aid advisor who can assist you with questions regarding your financial aid package. To schedule an appointment with your financial aid advisor, please contact:
Federal Tuition Assistance
Federal Tuition Assistance (FTA) is a separate benefit from other GI Bill® benefits that you may be eligible to receive. Please e-mail if you plan to use FTA during your time at the University.
FTA rules and regulations are specific to your branch of service and more information can be found here. Please note: students receiving FTA must submit their Authorization Forms to the Office of Financial Aid.
Transfer Credits
You can find information on transferring credits from your previous education by contacting the Registrar, Christina Marrone at 814-362-7602 or by email:
University of Pittsburgh Costs
For an overview of the costs of attending the University of Pittsburgh - Bradford, please visit Tuition and Fees.
Education Plans
Education plans for Pitt-Bradford majors
Course Scheduling Preference:
The priority enrollment period will begin the Friday before the published Monday enrollment period. Enrollment appointments for Veteran Students will begin at 8:30 am the Friday before the standard Monday enrollment appointments and will be assigned in order, according to credits completed. Veteran Students who have completed the highest number of credits will get the earliest enrollment appointments, while those who have completed the lowest number of credits will get the latest enrollment appointments. Enrollment appointment dates and times can be found in each student’s PeopleSoft Student Center.
Point of Contact:
If you have any questions or wish to update your Veteran status at the University of Pittsburgh at Bradford, please contact either Ms. Melissa Ibanez,, or Dr. James Baldwin,
Act 46 of 2014 requires public institutions of higher education in Pennsylvania to provide veteran students, as defined in the Act, with preference in course scheduling. Non-compliance may be reported to the Pennsylvania Department of Education by submitting the Higher Education Student Complaint form found at
Veteran Eligibility for In-State Tuition
In accordance with Section 702 of the Choice Act and PA State Act 11, the University of Pittsburgh offers in-state residency for the purposes of tuition to the following eligible individuals:
For purposes of the Act, a “Veteran” is any individual who served in the United States Armed Forces, including a reserve component or National Guard, and who was discharged or released from service under conditions other than dishonorable and is eligible to receive benefits under any of the following:
- Chapter 1606 Montgomery GI Bill® Selected Reserve
- Chapter 1607 Reserve Educational Assistance Program
- Chapter 30 Montgomery GI Bill® Active Duty
- Chapter 31 Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment
- Chapter 33 Post-9/11 GI Bill®
- Spouses and dependent children of these Veterans and any who are eligible to receive Chapter 35 Survivors’ and Dependent’s Educational Assistance, are also eligible.
"GI Bill®” is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government website at
If you meet any of the above-listed requirements, please provide a copy of the Servicemember’s Letter of Eligibility or your Certificate of Eligibility from the VA to the Office of Financial Aid or by emailing it to
Additional eligible groups include:
- Military personnel who are assigned to an active duty station in Pennsylvania and who reside in Pennsylvania, and their spouses and dependent children. If you meet this requirement, please provide a copy of the active duty member’s orders and a copy of the first page of the most recent IRS Form 1040/1040A displaying the name of the spouse or dependent child, if applicable.
- Civilian personnel employed at a US Department of Defense facility who are transferred to Pennsylvania by the US Department of Defense and who reside in Pennsylvania, and their spouses and dependent children. If you meet this requirement, please provide a letter from the US Department of Defense that documents the transfer to Pennsylvania specifying the name of the person employed, the applicable US Department of Defense facility in Pennsylvania, and the start date, along with a copy of the first page of the most recent IRS Form 1040/1040A displaying the name of the spouse or dependent child, if applicable.
You must notify the Office of Financial Aid of your status in order to receive in-state tuition. Depending on your status, you will be required to submit documents as proof of your military affiliation.
Typically, the Office of Financial Aid will know your status if you receive military education benefits. If you are not receiving military education benefits, you must notify the University of your status in order to receive in-state tuition rates.
Compulsory Military Service
We will do whatever is required to enable students called up to active military duty to transition out of the University as expeditiously as possible. If you are called up to active duty, you'll need to provide a copy of your deployment order to the Office of Enrollment Services.
In addition, we will arrange for you to drop the term’s registration so you will owe no tuition for the term and receive no grades. In rare cases, there will be exceptions made, depending on personal and/or financial reasons. Before making any final decisions, we will be happy to talk and work with you to help you make the best decision based on your situation. Additionally, if it is in your best interest to receive grades, you may receive an "M" grade consistent with Pennsylvania Act 59 of 2014. Information on Act 59 can be found on the Pennsylvania state legislature website.
Office of Financial Aid
300 Campus Drive
Bradford, PA 16701
Here are some fact sheets provided by the VA to assist you in understanding your education benefits:
PA residents using Chapter 35 benefits may also qualify for the Educational Gratuity Program. Visit for program details and how to apply.