Behnaz (Beth) Rezaie

Degrees and Credentials
Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering, Ontario Tech. University, Canada
M.S. Mechanical Engineering, Ontario Tech. University, Canada
M.S. Industrial Management, Lulea ̈ University of Technology, Sweden
B.S. Mechanical Engineering, Iran Science and Technology University, Iran
Licensed Professional Engineer
Short Bio
Dr. Behnaz is passionate about sustainability and protecting the environment. Dr. Rezaie proposed potential enhancement of district energy systems, developed a function to evaluate environmental and economic aspects of alternative energy technology for a district energy system by considering taxation and incentives, examined energy management of district energy systems integrated with thermal energy storages, proposed grid configuration of multiple thermal energy storages, modeled and analyzed integrated district energy systems with multiple thermal energy storages to increase energy efficiency, developed a method to find the right number of thermal energy storages for a district energy system, designed different scenarios of alternative energy technology for various buildings. She has completed several practical projects with the goal of advancing energy efficiency and sustainability as well as cost saving in DE systems.
Dr. Rezaie also has extensive industrial experience in the automotive industry with engineering or managerial roles. She has managed/developed/accredited six industrial quality assurance laboratories in Mega Motors (Iran). She also launched several automotive projects for automakers like Toyota, Mazda, and Chrysler (Canada). She managed industrial projects on time and on budget.
Academic Focus
Her primary areas of research include modifying energy technology systems, improving the efficiency of district energy systems, modeling energy storage systems (namely, thermal energy storage systems and integrated energy systems more generally), and advancing environmental sustainability.
Research, Accomplishments, and Publications
Dr. Rezaie has published 50+ peer-reviewed journal and conference papers, including the landmark paper on district energy systems which was awarded as a highly cited publication by the journal of Applied Energy (IF 11.44). As the PI or CoPI, she has secured more than $ 1 Million in funding from governmental agencies and industrial firms.