
Buses Home

Catch a Bus Home for Winter Break

Follow the steps below to reserve your tickets! 

How Buses Home Works »

  1. Our FREE bus departs Pitt-Bradford on Friday, December 17, 2024, at 10:30 AM.
  2. Our FREE bus arrives at the Pittsburgh campus by 3 PM.
  3. If Pittsburgh is your last stop, great! If you want to connect to another city, keep reading!
  4. Buses to 14 other cities depart the Pittsburgh campus at 4:30 PM that same day for a charge (locations and prices listed HERE).
  5. For a round trip, buses will pick up in those 14 cities and bring you back to the Pittsburgh campus on Tuesday, January 7, 2025, arriving by 6 PM.
  6. Our FREE bus departs the Pittsburgh campus at 6:30 PM (or when all other buses have arrived).
  7. Our FREE bus arrives back at Pitt-Bradford around 10:30 PM.

How to Reserve 

Complete these steps in order!

Step 1:

Reserve your ticket for the FREE bus from Pitt-Bradford to Pittsburgh by Friday, December 6, 2024. 

Reserve Your Pitt-Bradford Ticket

Step 2: 

If you’re traveling beyond Pittsburgh, be sure to provide your non-Pittsburgh email address so you can be granted access to the app to purchase your ticket to your destination. Once you are granted access, you will receive further instructions.

Step 3:

You must pick up your bus pass in the Office of Student Affairs, Commons 220, by 5 PM on Friday, December 13, or you will forfeit your seat.