Judith Bodamer

Short Bio
For the past eight years, Bodamer has served as the director of finance for the Bradford Area School District. In that role, she oversaw all of the district’s non-instructional services, including finance, payroll, accounts payable and purchasing, food service, transportation, maintenance, facility planning, risk management, and general business office operations.
While serving as the district’s director of finance, the district’s fund balances increased, taxes remained steady, multiple capital improvement projects were completed, and the district’s credit rating improved.
Prior to joining the Bradford Area School District, she served as the business manager for the Port Allegany School District for 14 years. During that time, she prepared and coordinated the district’s annual budget; maintained financial records; formulated long-range projections; and supervised accounts payable, accounts receivable, tax collections, debt service, and the insurance program.
Earlier in her career, Bodamer served as branch manager and then controller for the First National Bank of Port Allegany.
She is a Pitt-Bradford alumna, earning a bachelor’s degree in applied mathematics. She is a member of the Pennsylvania Association of School Business Officials and the Pennsylvania School Board Association.