Patricia Lanzon

Degrees and Credentials
Doctor of Philosophy - Educational Psychology; cognate in developmental psychology
Wayne State University, Detroit, MI
Master of Education - Educational Psychology
Wayne State University, Detroit, MI
Educational Specialist - Educational Administration/Leadership
Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL
Master of Science – Social and Philosophical Foundations of Education
Florida State University
Bachelor of Science
Major: Communications and Theater Arts
Minor: English Language and Literature
Certification: Secondary Provisional
Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, MI
Short Bio
Dr. Lanzon began her career as a middle school and high school educator in Ypsilanti, Michigan. Following classroom experience, she worked as a middle school administrator in two school districts. After her administration positions, Dr. Lanzon taught a variety of education and psychology courses at Henry Ford College in Dearborn, Michigan. Due to her involvement with early childhood education, she transitioned into focusing on early level education. In addition to teaching at Henry Ford College, she was the Education Program Director. Dr. Lanzon and her daughter, Colette have co-authored a children's book titled, My Mommy Wears Wheels. This story is about Colette's experience growing up with a mother who has a physical disability. Dr. Lanzon loves the energy early level educators begin their career with. She enjoys contributing to the development of their research-based best practices. Dr. Lanzon's research interests focus on the relationship between early level education programs and secondary education outcomes.
Academic Focus
Dr. Lanzon has specialized in the application of evidence-based best practices for early childhood and elementary teacher education preparation programs. She is well versed in teaching the following courses: developmental psychology, educational foundations, educational methods, inclusion, educational field experiences, and psychology courses.
Research, Accomplishments, and Publications
Publications and Reviews
Lanzon, P.M., Davis Fritzley, A., Burns, J. (2024). A rural community family literacy day program and its Impact on literacy as a means to equity. Manuscript submitted to Pennsylvania Teacher Educator Journal for publication, May 2024.
Lanzon, P. M., Clark, W., & Bruns, D. (2024). A literature review exploring the continuity of mental health services from infancy through adolescence. Authorea. DOI: https://doi:10.22541/au.170664335.52835211/v1
Peer Reviewer, Salayo, J. D. & Gutierrez, M. R. (2023). Teacher Identity and Language Ideology via Critical Pedagogy. In J. Chitiyo & Z. Pietrantoni (Eds.), Social Justice
and Culturally-Affirming Education in K-12 Settings (pp. 265-282). IGI Global.
Peer Reviewer, Literacy submissions, 2024 AERA Annual Meeting.
Lanzon, P. & Lanzon, C. (2021). My Mommy Wears Wheels. Penny Gig Arts Publishing.
Hatton-Bowers, H., Virmani, E.A., Nathans, L., Walsh, B.A., B., Buell, M., Lanzon, P., Ixa Plata-Potter, S., & Roe, L. (2021). “Cultivating self-Awareness in our work with infants, toddlers, and their families: Caring for ourselves as we care for others.” Young Children.
Reviewer and Content Contributor: Coon, D. & Mitterer J. (2007). Psychology: A Journey. Cengage Learning.
Reviewer and Content Contributor: Passer, M.W. & Smith, R.E. (2010). Psychology: The Science
of Mind and Behavior, 4th Ed. McGraw Hill.
Reviewer and Content Contributor: Snowman, J. & McCown, R. (2015). Psychology Applied to
Teaching, 14th Ed. Cengage Learning.
Accepted Presentation, “Integration of Universal Design for Learning Principles into Lesson/Unit” at the 18th Biennial International Association of Special Education Conference, Czech Republic, June 2024.
Accepted Presentation, “What do Educators Know about Adaptive Physical Education and Play?” at the 18th Biennial International Association of Special Education Conference, Czech Republic, June 2024.
Presentation, “Creating a Continuity of Mental Health Services Consortium from Infancy Through Adolescence in Rural USA,” at the Third Thursday Faculty Presentations, University of Pittsburgh, Bradford, PA January 2024.
Presentation, “Exploring a Pilot Study on the Continuity of Mental Health Services from Infancy Through Adolescence,” at the PAC-TE 51st Teacher Educator Assembly, Harrisburg, PA, October 2023.
Poster Board Paper Presentation, “A Pilot Study to Explore the Continuity of Mental Health Services from Infancy through Adolescence,” at The World Association for Infant Mental Health18th World Congress, Dublin, Ireland, July 2023.
Poster Board Paper Presentation, “Teacher Competencies for Social Justice in Infant/ Toddler Education: Aligning Standards and Identifying Gaps,” at The World Association for Infant Mental Health18th World Congress, Dublin, Ireland, July 2023.
Invited Presentation, “Gifted, Creative, and Talented Cognitive Development and Learner Principles,” University of Maryland, Department of Counseling, Higher Education, and Special Education, December 2021.
Invited Presentation, “The Relationship Between Early Childhood Cognitive Development and Learning,” University of Maryland, Department of Counseling, Higher Education, and Special Education, October 2021.
Presentation, “Applying UDL at All Academic Levels,” HFC Pre-Education Conference, April 2021.
Presentation, “Modifying Lesson Plans to Address Diverse Learners' Needs,” 36th Annual International Conference on Young Children with Special Needs and Their Families, Division for Early Childhood, January 2021.
Presentation, “Creating Practicum Experiences for the Early Childhood Educator,” 36th Annual International Conference on Young Children with Special Needs and Their Families, Division for Early Childhood, January 2021.
Presentation, “Breaking the Paraplegic Barrier,” at the 33rd annual LAND Conference, Muskegon, MI February 2018
Poster Presentation, “It’s a Psychology Thing: Bringing Psychology to Life,” at the 28th Association for Psychological Science Annual Convention, May 2016
Paper presentation, Lanzon, P. “Cross-Sectional Study of the Relations between Parental Factors and Academic Achievement in High School Adolescents,” at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, April 2015
Co-presenter, “Preparing for the Professional Readiness Exam Subtests,” at the HFC
Pre-Student Teaching Conference, March 2014
Presentation, “Practice Makes Perfect: Teaching Teachers how to Teach” at the National
Social Sciences Association Lake Tahoe Summer Seminar, Lake Tahoe, NV July 30, 2012
Presentation, “Electra, Freud, and Women’s Relationships with their Fathers and Significant Others” at the 11th Annual Conference of the International Social Theory Consortium, Flagler College, St. Augustine, FL May 18, 2012
Invited Presentation: “Intellectual Development,” HFC Honor’s Colloquium, 2010 - 2013
Presentation, “On Kindergarten Readiness: Policy Implications” at European Developmental Conference, Vilnius, Lithuania, Summer 2009
Presentation: “Tips and Techniques for the Middle School Autistic Child", National Middle School Association, Fall 2009
Invited Presentation: “Addressing the Needs of Special Education Students in the College Classroom,” Michigan Counseling Association, Fall 2008
Co-presenter poster-board session: “Kindergarten Readiness,” at Michigan Association for the
Education of Young Children, 2006
Henry Ford College recruitment guest speaker for Office of Enrollment Development, 2004-2020
"The Empowered Woman Leadership Award", Empowered Consulting, 2019.