Dr. William Clark

Degrees and Credentials
D. Ed. Educational Administration, Pennsylvania State University 1998
M. Ed. Educational Administration, Shippensburg University 1991
B.S. Secondary Math Education, Pennsylvania State University 1987
Short Bio
Prior to being appointed as Visiting Assistant Professor of Education, Dr. Clark was the Executive Director of the Barber National Institute Bollinger Campus in Warren, superintendent of the Warren County School District, an Educational Consultant for the Solanco Area School District, Superintendent at Manheim Central and Milton Area School District.
He earned a Bachelor of Science degree from Pennsylvania State University, a Master of Education degree from Shippensburg University and a Doctor of Education degree from Pennsylvania State University. In addition, he was Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction, High School Principal, Tech-Prep Principal, and Assistant Principal at St. Marys Area School District.
Before moving into administration, he taught mathematics at the Franklin County Vocational Technical School. While working in administration, he taught undergraduate students Math at Pennsylvania State University and graduate students School Law. He has also taught graduate level classes for Wilkes University including School Law and Social Foundations and Pennsylvania Inspired Leadership (PIL) School Law, Ethics, and Leadership for Lebanon Valley College.
Teaching through the Penn State World Campus, Dr. Clark has taught Law and Education, School Improvement, and Technology Applications in Educational Leadership. He has 40 articles published in various professional journals. He also reviews manuscripts for Pennsylvania Educational Leadership and American Association of School Administrators. Further, he has presented at several state and national conferences including American Association of School Administrators, Pennsylvania Association of School Administrators, Pennsylvania School Board Association, Pennsylvania Association of Curriculum and Development, Safe Schools Coalition, and National Tech-Prep Network.
In addition to his publications and coursework, he is a member of Pennsylvania Association of School Administrators, Pennsylvania Association Curriculum and Development, and Pennsylvania School Study Council. In 2007 he was awarded the Pennsylvania Association School Administrator Ralph Morgan Award for Advancement in Vocational Education and in 2008 he received the University Council for Educational Administration Excellence in Educational Leadership Award.
Dr. Clark lives in Russell, Pennsylvania with his son Tony (13) and his wife of 33 years and high school sweetheart Gina.
Academic Focus
School Law
School Improvement
Technology Applications for Educational Leadership
Research, Accomplishments, and Publications
- Certificate of Appreciation, Warren Rotary Club 2019
- Distinguished Service Citation, Warren Rotary Club, 2017
- Second Harvest Food Bank of Northwestern Pennsylvania Bread Box Award for Organization Category for the BackPack Golf Outing 2015.
- Book Acknowledgement for Why Social Media Matters as reviewer of the draft manuscript 2012.
- Top Schools District East Region Blogs, Presented by Online Education Degrees December 2010.
- University Council for Educational Administration Excellence in Educational Leadership Award April 2008.
- PASA Ralph Morgan Award for the Advancement of Vocational Education 2007.
- Paul Harris Fellow for the St. Marys Rotary Club 2004.
- North Central Investment Board Outstanding Youth Consortium Member for Elk and Cameron County 2002.
Scholarly Publications
- Clark, W. A. December 2020, Book Review: Professional Learning Communities: The Ultimate Blueprint for Academic Success, America Association of School Administrators, The School Administrator, Volume 77 Number 11, pg. 43.
- Clark, W. A. January 2020, Book Review: The 100X Leader: How to Become Someone Worth Following, America Association of School Administrators, The School Administrator, Volume 8 Number 76, pg. 47.
- Clark, W. A. September 2019, Book Review: Leading a High Reliability School, America Association of School Administrators, The School Administrator, Volume 8 Number 76, pg. 42.
- Clark, W. A. May 2019, Book Review: No Longer Forgotten: The Struggles of Rural American Education, America Association of School Administrators, The School Administrator, Volume 5 Number 76, pg. 42.
- Clark, W. A. December 2018, Book Review: Trust Factor: The Science of Creating High-Performance Companies, America Association of School Administrators, The School Administrator, Volume 11 Number 75, pg. 42.
- Clark, W. A. March 2018, Book Review: How Autism is Reshaping Special Education: The Unbundling if IDEA, America Association of School Administrators, The School Administrator, Volume 73 Number 5, pg. 44.
- Clark, W. A. March 2017, Book Review: Stop Spending, Start Managing: Strategies to Transform Wasteful Habits, America Association of School Administrators, The School Administrator, Volume 73 Number 5, pg. 37.
- Clark, W. A. June 2016, Book Review: The Politics of Prevailing: Lessons in Public Schools Superintendence 1971 - 2013, America Association of School Administrators, The School Administrator, Volume 73 Number 5, pg. 37.
- Clark, W. A. May 2016, The Surprises of Parenting a Child with Autism, America Association of School Administrators, The School Administrator, Volume 73 Number 5, pg. 15.
- Clark, W.. A. March 2015, Book Review: Rigor for Students with Special Needs, America Association of School Administrators, The School Administrator, Volume 72 Number 3, pg. 38.
- Clark, W. A, September 2014, My View: Walking in Others’ Shoes, America Association of School Administrators, The School Administrator, Volume 71, Number 8, pg. 15.
- Clark, W. A. September 2014, Book Review: A School Board Guide to Leading Successful Schools: Focusing on Learning, America Association of School Administrators, The School Administrator, Volume 71, Number 8, pg. 38.
- Clark, W. A. April 2014, Book Review: The Self In Schooling, America Association of School Administrators, The School Administrator, Volume 71 Number 4, pg. 40.
- Clark, W. A. June 2013, Book Review: The New School Management by Wondering Around, American Association of School Administrators, The School Administrator, Volume 70, Number 6, pg. 41.
- Clark, W. A. July 2012, Cited in Words of Wisdom: 10 Inspirational Graduation Speeches, Education Week Online Vol. 31, Issue 36.
- Clark, W. A. Jan. 2012, Book Review: Cutting Costs and Generating Revenues in Education, American Association of School Administrators, The School Administrator, Vol.1 Number 69.
- Clark, W. A. Sept. 2011, Book Review: Waiting for Superman, American Association of School Administrators, The School Administrator, Volume. , Number, pg. 52.
- Clark, W. A. Sept. 2010, Leadership Lite: He Handles the Dirty Work, Too American Association of School Administrators, The School Administrator, Volume 67, Number 8, pg. 56.
- Clark, W. A. August 2010, Book Review: RSS for Educators: Blogs, Newsfeeds, Podcasts and Wikis in the Classroom, American Association of School Administrators, The School Administrator, Volume 67, Number 7, pg. 48.
- Clark, W. A. June 2010, Book Review: Qualities of Effective Principals, American Association of School Administrators, The School Administrator, Volume 67, Number 6, pg. 44.
- Clark, W. A. August 2010, Book Review: 99 Ways to Lead to Succeed: Strategies and Stories for School Leaders, American Association of School Administrators, The School Administrator, Volume 67, Number 6, pg. 45.
- Clark, W. A. July 2009, Weekly Issues: Board –Superintendent Communication, AASA New Superintendent E- Journal, http://www.aasa.org/content.aspx?id=158.
- Clark, W. A. May 2009, Leadership Lite: Familiar Face, Familiar Voice American Association of School Administrators, The School Administrator, Volume 66, Number 5, pg. 48.
- Clark, W. A. May 2008, Book Review: The Secrets of School Board Success: Practical Tips for Board Members, American Association of School Administrators, The School Administrator, Volume 65, Number, pg. 57.
- Clark, W. A, December 2007, Book Review: Effective Communication for School Administrators, American Association of School Administrators, The School Administrator, Volume 64, Number 11, pg. 56.
- Clark, W. A. Spring 2007, Book Review: Leadership on the Line: Staying Alive through the Dangers of Leading. Pennsylvania Association of Curriculum Development, Pennsylvania Educational Leadership, Volume 26, Number 2, pgs. 51-52.
- Clark, W. A. February 2007, Class Acts: Some Secure Practices in Use by PA Schools, Pennsylvania School Board Association, Bulletin, Volume 71, Number 1, pgs. 24 – 29.
- Clark, W. A. and DeRocco, Mark Spring 2006, Book Review: The World is Flat: A Brief Story of the Twenty-First Century, Pennsylvania Association of Curriculum Development, Pennsylvania Educational Leadership, Volume 25, Number 2, pgs. 69-74.
- Clark, W. A. Fall 2005, Book Review: Negotiate This! By Caring, But Not T-H-A-T Much, Pennsylvania Association of Curriculum Development, Pennsylvania Educational Leadership, Volume 25, Number 1, pgs. 71-72.
- Clark, W. A. and McGonnell, K. Fall 2004, Alternative Education is Working in Rural Pennsylvania, The Journal of Educational Alternatives: Principles, Practices, and Leadership, Volume 1, Number 1, pgs. 63-69.
- Clark, W. A. Spring 2004, Book Review: Good to Great, Pennsylvania Association of Curriculum Development, Pennsylvania Educational Leadership, Vol. 23, Number 2, pg. 52-54.
- Clark, W. A. Spring/Summer 2003, Book Review: Substitute Teacher Handbook, Pennsylvania Association of Curriculum Development, Pennsylvania Educational Leadership, Volume 22, Number 2, pgs. 48-49.
- Clark, W. A. and Hartman, W. Spring 2001, Secondary and Higher Education Tech-Prep Curriculum Articulation, Pennsylvania Association of Curriculum Development, Pennsylvania Educational Leadership, Volume 20, Number 2, pgs. 119 - 120.
- Clark, W. A. August 2001, Career Counseling at St. Marys Auxiliary High School, National Tech-Prep Network, Connections, Volume 11, Number 5.
- Clark, W. A. October 2000, St. Marys Area School District, National Tech-Prep Network, Connections, Vol. 10, Number 6.
- Clark, W. A and Hartman, W. Fall 1999,, Key Issues for Development and Implementation of Articulation Agreements, Workforce Education Forum, Volume 26, Number 2. pgs. 16-32.
- Clark, W. A. May 1998, PSU Dissertation: Tech-Prep Articulation Agreements: Development, Implementation and Results.
· Clark, W. A. March 1997, Making Tech-Prep Work in K-12, National Tech-Prep Network, Connections.
· Clark, W. A. January 1994, Tech-Prep Prepares St. Marys Students for Workforce, Pennsylvania Education Magazine, Volume 25, Number 4.
· Clark, W. A. December 1994, Tech-Prep Spotlight: Partnership in Pennsylvania, National Association of Secondary School Principals, High School Magazine, Volume 2, Number 2, pgs. 22-24.