Engineering Science - AS
If you’re interested in being an engineer or learning more about engineering but want more options, our two-year program in engineering science will get you started on the road to becoming an engineer. And you'll get options.
Why study engineering science at Pitt-Bradford?
Once you complete the two-year program, you’ll have some options. You can relocate to the School of Engineering at the University of Pittsburgh and complete a four-year degree in engineering
Relocate to another engineering school and finish a four-year engineering degree
Continue your studies on our campus and get a bachelor's degree in another program
Apply what you’ve learned and get a job
Use your two-year degree to enhance and advance your career if you already have a job.
What will I learn?
You'll take engineering courses. You'll also take courses in chemistry, calculus, physics and English composition.

What can I do with a degree in engineering?
When you graduate, you’ll be prepared for a career in many areas.
- Corporations
- Industry
- Design firms
- Government
- Research firms
- Manufacturing firms
- Colleges of universities
Mychal Berlinski ’25 of Allegany, N.Y., won’t graduate until spring with his energy engineering technology degree, but he already has a good idea of what life as a working engineer is like. Last spring and summer, he gained hands-on experience through an internship and a research project.
ENGR 0131
Statics For Civil & Envrl EngineeringA basic course in statics. Utilizing the free-body diagram, the course covers forces and equilibria of particles, rigid bodies, surfaces, trusses, beams, cables, and other basic structural elements. Use is made of computers for problem solving. -
ECE 0031
Linear Circuits And Systems 1The analysis of linear circuits. Electric variables and circuit elements; Kirchhoff's and Ohm's Law; Mesh and Node Equations; Thevenin and Norton equivalent circuits; first and second-order circuits; time domain analysis.
Program-Related News

Faculty win awards, present and publish
McCabe receives awards for two most recent books.

Admissions events planned for fall
Open houses and Duke Days to take place October through January.

Student engineers get taste of industry with field trips
Exploring engineering options at variety of plants near and far.