Liberal Studies - AA
Our liberal studies program will help you if you need a two-year degree to get that next job or promotion.
Why study liberal studies at Pitt-Bradford?
When you have your associate degree, you are more employable to get the new or better job. You also may be a better choice for promotion. Or, use it as a stepping stone toward a bachelor's degree. You'll be half way there with a liberal studies degree.
What will I learn?
As a liberal studies major, you'll take courses in a wide variety of areas: History. The arts. Business. Behavioral science like psychology or sociology. Additionally, you'll take some electives that you'll find fun and interesting.
ENG 0101
English Composition 1The first of two required competency courses in English composition, this course focuses on the writing process and on the kinds of writing common in the academic disciplines. -
ENG 0102
English Composition 2This is an extension of the skills mastered in ENG 0101, this course focuses on the processes of researching, writing, and presenting a term paper. -
MATH 0098
College Algebra 2The topics covered in college algebra 2 are functions-linear, radical, quadratic, exponential, and logarithmic- and their graphs, rational expressions, linear and compound inequalities, rational exponents, solving systems of linear equations, and solving quadratic equations. This course does not meet the mathematics competency at the Pittsburgh campus.