Pre-Health and Rehabilitation Sciences

Pre-Health and Rehabilitation Sciences

You’ll get experience in the lab and have the chance to volunteer at local health care facilities.

Why study pre-health and rehabilitation sciences at Pitt-Bradford?

If you want to pursue a major in rehabilitation science, you’ll begin your studies on our campus then relocate to the Pittsburgh campus to finish the final two years of this program.

What will I learn?

You’ll get a solid foundation in the biological, physical and behavioral sciences, so you will succeed in your upper-level rehabilitation science courses when you relocate to the Pittsburgh campus.

Image Student using stethoscope

What can I do with a degree in pre-health and rehabilitation sciences?

Our program will prepare you primarily for graduate and professional school, such as physical therapy school. However, you could obtain an entry-level job in several fields.

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  • Health and rehabilitation-related businesses
  • Hospitals
  • Government
  • Colleges or universities
  • Non-governmental agencies