Students playing instruments

Pre-Music Therapy

You can use your love of music to help people.

Why study pre-music therapy at Pitt-Bradford?

Music therapists use music in a therapeutic setting to help people address physical, emotional, cognitive, and social needs. After assessing the strengths and needs of each client, a music therapist provides treatment that may include creating, singing, moving to, and/or listening to music.
If that sounds like something you’re interested in, we can help you get there. You’ll eventually need to earn a master’s degree, but you can start your journey on our campus by earning your bachelor’s degree. You may earn a bachelor's degree in psychology with a minor in music or a bachelor's degree in interdisciplinary arts with a minor in psychology or counseling psychology before you apply to a master's program.

What will I learn?

You’ll take courses in both psychology and music. You’ll also have the opportunity to receive hands-on experiences through an internship at one of many locations, including mental health facilities, social service agencies, hospitals and correctional institutions. You’ll also have access to our psychology lab where you’ll work on your counseling techniques, observe other sessions, conduct analysis and hone your research skills.


What can I do with a degree in pre-music therapy?

Our professors will work with you to help prepare you for the audition process to a master’s degree in music therapy. Since each graduate school may have other specific requirements, we suggest you consult with the school of your choice and your advisor at Pitt-Bradford before you finish your bachelor's degree.

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Possible employers:

  • Mental health facilities
  • Social service agencies
  • Hospitals
  • Rehabilitation clinics
  • Educational services
  • Hospitals
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Program Requirements:

BS, Psychology with minor in Music OR
BA, Interdisciplinary Arts with minor in Psychology or Counseling Psychology