Delaney Held ’16
Bachelor’s degree in public relations
Content Marketing Lead for Brunner, a marketing agency in Pittsburgh

As a freshman, Delaney Held wasn’t very involved on campus. The following year, she made a change. She wrote for and became the editor of the student newspaper, The Source. She performed on stage in plays. She worked in the Division of Communication and the Arts. She was an active member of the LGBTS Alliance.
She says participating in all of those activities helped to shape her.
She developed a passion to give back, to do good work for her community, which led her to a career with the Pittsburgh Downtown Partnership, a job she got less than a month after graduation.
Delaney knows she didn’t get here on her own.
“The faculty and staff are some of the most helpful, caring and hardworking people I’ve ever met. My instructors expected my best work but also gave me all the tools I needed. I wouldn’t trade my experience there for anything.”
If you are looking for a smaller campus with a community feel and some of the best people, Pitt-Bradford is for you.
“Pitt-Bradford made me a much more well-rounded person professionally, academically, and personally. The experiences I had and the opportunities I was given made me much more responsible and passionate about everything I do.”