Doug Elliot '17
Bachelor’s degree in computer information systems and technology
IT analyst at Bayer Pharmaceuticals in Pittsburgh.

Doug’s key to success? Be a sponge. Absorb all the information and experience so you can apply it all to your particular field.
You can trust Doug because he knows what he’s talking about. He spent a summer as an intern at Bayer Pharmaceuticals in Pittsburgh. When he graduated six months later, Bayer hired him for a full-time position.
Doug says Pitt-Bradford’s CIS&T program helped prepare him for his career by offering the right kind of courses and projects that matched the needs of the job market. On top of that, he had professors who helped him and wanted him to succeed.
“My professors offered great insight and learning opportunities that helped me develop skills for the job market. I worked on research projects with both students and my professors that gave me a great deal of knowledge and profound experiences that I could not image having at any other university.”
My professors offered great insight and learning opportunities that helped me develop skills for the job market.