
Hunter Chamberlain ‘19

Bachelor’s degree in biology
Assistant radiographer for the U.S. Inspection Services Inc.

Hunter Chamberlain at Commencement

Hunter packed many experiences into his four years at Pitt-Bradford. He spent three years as a residence advisor. When the campus didn’t have a Chess Club, he started one. He DJ’d countless events on campus. And, he even went to class.

“Over the last four years, I’ve learned inside and out of the classroom. I’ve grown and changed and made my marks on campus.”

He’s proud of the person he’s become and is grateful to those who helped mold and shape him along the way.

“I truly owe it to this campus and everyone I met here. Bradford will always be a home to me because it is where I found myself as a person and found the people I can go to whenever I need anything. Thank you to everyone who supported me through my college career. Thank you, Pitt-Bradford.”

I am very proud of the person I have become.