Fawzia Yameogo
Pre-medicine / Biology major

I’m currently a sophomore at Pitt-Bradford and I’m majoring in pre-medicine biology with a minor in chemistry. I come from Burkina Faso, a country in West Africa. I had an opportunity that not so many people had -- to come here and study.
I came here about five years ago, and the beginning was a real struggle for me. I didn’t know the language, or how the system works. I had to figure things out, but with the support of friends, family, teachers, advisors, I was able to navigate through this new chapter of my life.
It took hard work and dedication for me to get where I am today. I would stay up late to finish assignments and study for tests. In class, I would barely understand what was taught. But every day after school, I would see the teachers to go over the materials with me again.
It did take a lot of effort from my side, but it wouldn’t have been possible without the help and encouragement from my teachers. It wouldn’t have been possible if they didn’t take that extra time outside of school hours to reteach to me what they already taught us in class.
Likewise it would have been nearly impossible for me to attend college if it wasn’t for people like you. People who, from their own free will, decide to make an impact in this world by investing their money, time, and energy into shaping the minds of the future generation -- into making sure that even the less fortunate ones get a chance at pursuing higher education. People like me, who -- if only based on their financial status-- wouldn’t be able to afford college.
My hope for the future is to go on to medical school and become a gastroenterologist. I will work hard to make the most of the investment that you have made towards me and my future, so that one day I can serve this society and make a positive impact by giving back as you have done for us.