
2017 grad chosen to attend NCAA Career in Sports Forum

Dahmir Noel, a spring graduate, attended the NCAA Career in Sports Forum in Indianapolis.

Dahmir Noel, a spring graduate, attended the NCAA Career in Sports Forum in Indianapolis.

Noel was among 230 students with an interest in working in the sports industry invited to the workshop, which took place June 1-4.

Noel graduated with academic honors while majoring in sport and recreation management and picking up a minor in athletic coaching. He is currently a volunteer assistant football coach for Otto-Eldred High School, was an intern with both the Big 30 All-Star Charities Classic and the Pitt-Bradford athletic department.

The NCAA also selected Noel to attend the 2017 NCAA National Convention as a student attendee. His plans include coaching football and to obtain his master's degree so that he can become an athletic director for a university.

“I got to know Dahmir his junior year here at Pitt Bradford as a student in our sports management program,” Athletic Director Bret Butler said.

“He became very involved with our local sports community, as well as being our department intern spring semester of his senior year. Dahmir did a great job, and I expect him to continue to make strides towards his goal of working in collegiate athletics and collegiate athletic administration.”

Student leaders interested in pursuing a career in sports were invited to apply to attend the forum after a nomination by athletics administrators at their respective schools. The selection committee is comprised of administrators and coaches within the NCAA, many former forum participants themselves.

Forum attendees, with representation from 73 conferences, heard from various keynote speakers and panelists. Noel represented the Allegheny Mountain Collegiate Conference along with baseball player Tyler Shaw from Hilbert College.

The participants also learn best practices for gaining employment and gathering a better understanding of what future expectations will be once they get a job in sports.