Africana Studies minor graduates first students
Interdisciplinary curriculum addresses global Black experience
The Africana Studies program graduated its first set of students with the minor in spring 2021.
Chandler R. White, a native of Pittsburgh, graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in applied mathematics with a minor in Africana Studies. Currently White is in graduate school at the University of Pittsburgh, where he is pursuing a Master of Arts in Teaching in the secondary math education program.
Kamal E. Jamison, a native of Philadelphia, graduated with a bachelor’s degree in psychology and a minor in Africana Studies. Currently Kamal works as a manager at Hertz rent-a-Car Company.
The Africana Studies program was launched in 2016. The purpose is to diversify Pitt-Bradford’s curriculum, and foster inclusion through courses that provide opportunities for students to learn about the national and global Black and African American experience. The curriculum is interdisciplinary and adapts multiple intersectionalities to the delivery of courses.
Dr ‘BioDun J. Ogundayo, associate professor, is the inaugural director of the program.