Campus raises more than $3,500 for Haiti relief
The Pitt-Bradford community has donated more than $3,500 to Save the Children for its relief efforts in Haiti.
The Pitt-Bradford Anthropology Club spearheaded the campaign, collecting $3,563.42 in donations from students, faculty, staff and even visitors in the Frame-Westerberg Commons from Jan. 14-21.
“Students, faculty and staff have shown a generosity and concern for others that has gone far beyond anything that we ever envisioned when we decided to try to raise money for Haitian relief,” said Dr. J. Michael Stuckart, associate professor of anthropology and adviser for the club.
“We made a huge amount of money, in no small part because of the generosity of the Athletics Department.”
Pitt-Bradford athletics contributed $956 from ticket sales and donations collected at a basketball double-header Jan. 21.
Lori Mazza, director of athletics, said, “I am very grateful to the men and women’s basketball teams for their efforts. I am also very grateful to the Bradford community and their generous donations during Haiti Awareness Night. It’s humbling to live in such a community that will generously give any amount for such a great cause.”
Save the Children, which has an ongoing relief operation in Haiti, was one of the first organizations to begin assessing the situation after the earthquake and coordinating and providing emergency response services.