
Faculty members recognized for years of service

Pitt-Bradford at a dinner last week recognized faculty members who are celebrating service anniversaries.

Dr. Michael Klausner, associate professor of sociology, and Dr. Richard Melka, professor of mathematics, were both honored for 35 years.

Klausner teaches a variety of sociology courses, including Introduction to Sociology, Socialization, Organizational Behavior, Small Groups and Sociological Theory. In 2005, he was inducted into the Pitt-Bradford Athletic Hall of Fame for his support of Pitt-Bradford athletic teams. While spending summers in New York City, he volunteers tutoring homeless children through the group New York Cares and with the group VISIONS/Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired.

Melka teaches Mathematical Modeling, Differential Equations, Advanced Differential Equations and Writing in the History of Mathematics. When he’s not on campus, he writes articles with Biblical themes, and he previously taught Bible study at the Federal Correctional Institution McKean for five years. He enjoys the outdoors and spends summers boating on Lake Chautauqua.

Dr. Shailendra Gajanan, associate professor of economics, and Dr. Helene Lawson, professor of sociology, were both honored for 20 years of service.

Last month Gajanan received the Pitt-Bradford Alumni Association Teaching Excellence Award. His research interests include water issues and the spread of the chickungunya virus in his native Chennai, India, and the local economic impact of both Pitt-Bradford and a proposed four-lane expansion of U.S. Route 219.

Lawson is a past recipient of both the PBAA Teaching Excellence Award and the Chairs’ Faculty Teaching Award. She also founded the Penn-York Undergraduate Research Association with the goal of promoting undergraduate research in universities in the region.

Honored for 15 years was Trisha A. Morris, director of Hanley Library.

Those honored for 10 years of service were Dr. Kira M. Leck, associate professor of psychology; Dr. Nancy G. McCabe, associate professor of writing; and Dr. ’BioDun J. Ogundayo, associate professor of French and comparative literature.

Mary K. Boser, assistant professor of nursing; Dr. Tony Gaskew, associate professor of criminal justice; and Richard D. Knott, assistant professor of health and physical education, were honored for five years of service each.
