
Faculty members recognized for years of service

Pitt-Bradford recognized six members of its faculty this week who are celebrating milestone service anniversaries this year.

Pitt-Bradford recognized six members of its faculty this week who are celebrating milestone service anniversaries this year.

Dr. Warren Fass, associate professor of psychology, was recognized for 35 years of service. Fass serves as chairman of the Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences. He teaches Statistics, Experimental Psychology, Human Memory, Human Learning, Child Development, and Assessment. His area of research is memory.

Dr. Lisa M. Fiorentino, associate professor of nursing and director of the Center for Rural Health Practice; Jeffrey C. Guterman, associate professor of broadcast communications and chairman of the Division of Communication and the Arts; and Dr. Ronald E. Mattis, associate professor of engineering and director of the engineering program, were each honored for 30 years of service.

Fiorentino served as director of nursing and radiological science for 22 years. In addition to her nursing course load, she has taught Fundamentals of Ice Skating and freshman seminar. She serves on several area boards, including Upper Allegheny Health System and the Bradford Hospital Auxiliary.

Guterman serves as the director of the broadcast communications program. In 2003, he received the Pitt-Bradford Alumni Association Teaching Excellence Award. Before coming to Pitt-Bradford, Guterman was a television producer and director in the Pacific Northwest.

Mattis has served as a visiting scholar at the U.S. Department of State in the Verification and Compliance Bureau, Office of Nuclear Affairs. His main research interests include parallel processing, particle transport theory, arms control and national security issues. He lives in Kane and enjoys mountain biking, cross-country skiing, weight training and reading.

Other faculty members honored were Klaus Wuersig, associate professor of engineering, 15 years, and Dr. Mihaela C. Drignei, assistant professor of mathematics, five years.

Wuersig retired from SUNY-Alfred in 1998 as a full professor. From 1998 to 2000, he and other experts set up programs in information technology, math and science at a brand new university for women in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

Drignei came to Pitt-Bradford after teaching at Allegheny College and Iowa State University. She also taught high school math in her native Romania.