Faculty publish, edit and speak
McCabe book available in audio format

University of Pittsburgh at Bradford faculty have stayed busy during the pandemic, continuing to publish, edit and serve on academic panels.
Dr. Nancy McCabe, professor of writing and director of the writing program, saw her book “From Little Houses to Little Women: Revisiting a Literary Childhood” released as an Audible Audiobook this summer.
Her newest book, “Can this Marriage Be Saved?” was featured in the Midwest Book Review and on WPSU’s Bookmark.
She also published several poems: “Seneca Falls, Halloween Weekend 2016” in Nelle; “Amaryllis” and “Going to the Moon” in The Rail; “Eclipse” in Westchester Review; and “Spinning Daughter” in Literary Mama. She was also interviewed for an article on the Pushcart Prize in The Writer magazine.
Dr. Wes Chiang, assistant professor of marketing, published an article, “Marketing Mistakes or Unethical Marketing in Higher Education – Two Case Studies in Ontario Colleges” in the Journal of Education and Social Development.
He also presented a paper titled “Marketing for the Higher Education-MBA Students’ Experience” online at the 2021 International Conference on Management, Leadership and Business Intelligence.
Dr. Tony Gaskew, professor of criminal justice and associate dean of academic affairs, took part in a Peace Week online panel discussion organized by the Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter School for Peace and Conflict resolution. The discussion was titled “Racialized Systems of Humiliation: Finding Dignity within Systems of Degradation.”
Dr. Diego Cortés, assistant professor of communications, published an article, “Evangelical Indigenous Radio Stations in Colombia: Between the Promotion of Social Change and Religious Indoctrination” in the journal Global Media and Communication.
Dr. Danny Sadowsky, assistant professor of chemistry, published an article, “Prediction of Aqueous Free Energies of Solvation Using Coupled Quantum Mechanical and Molecular Mechanical Explicit Solvent Simulations” in the journal Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics.
Dr. Michael Klausner, associate professor of sociology, co-edited the section on “Small Business Enterprise, Management and Public Administration” in the Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy and Governance, published by Springer Publishing Co. He also wrote the chapter on “Organizational Culture and Socialization.” His role as co-editor involved recruiting people to write chapters on a variety of topics about the entrepreneurial process.
Dr. Jodi Burns, assistant professor and director of sport and recreation management, made an online presentation as part of the National Academic Advising Association’s Exploratory Conversations Panel to share advising tools and resources used by undergraduates.
Dr. Helma de Vries-Jordan, associate professor of political science and director of the history/political science and international affairs majors, was one of 10 University of Pittsburgh department chairs selected to attend the Chronicle of Higher Education’s Strategic Leadership Development Program for Department Chairs this summer.