Fast facts about the freshman class
Class of 2023 has 422 members from 22 states

The 442 members of the University of Pittsburgh at Bradford's Class of 2023 include students from 22 states, Puerto Rico and the District of Colombia as well as Bangladesh, the Dominican Republic, Nepal, Pakistan, Peru, Russia, the Philippines and Ontario, Canada.
Pennsylvania is the top state from which new students came, and the top counties represented are McKean, Pa.; Philadelphia, Pa.; Cattaraugus, N.Y.; Allegheny, Pa.; and Potter, Pa. Top high schools represented were Bradford Area, Kane Area, Otto-Eldred Area, Warren Area, Galeton Area, and the Freire Charter School in Philadelphia.
While the first five high schools are from Pitt-Bradford's primary service area, students from the Freire Charter School found their way to Pitt-Bradford after a dynamic presentation by former admissions counselor Christopher Turton.
“After that presentation, our students were extremely excited about Pitt-Bradford,” said Lauren B. Plaxa, director of college counseling at Freire. “The energy was simply electric after that presentation. Twenty-four of our seniors - for reference, that's almost1 in 4 of our graduating class - were admitted to Pitt-Bradford.”
The energy was simply electric after that presentation. Twenty-four of our seniors - for reference, that's almost 1 in 4 of our graduating class - were admitted to Pitt-Bradford.Lauren B. Plaxa, director of college counseling at Freire
Plaxa went on to say that the University of Pittsburgh's Success Pell Match Program, which matches the amount of federal Pell grants dollar for dollar, was the deciding factor for many of her students.
The top five majors members of the Class of 2023 intend to pursue are nursing, biology, computer information systems and technology, exercise science, and criminal justice.
Ninety-two percent of the incoming class lives on campus, and the youngest is 16 and the oldest is 28.
A few other facts about Pitt-Bradford's freshmen
- Nearly 38% come from minority populations, including 20.4% black students, 8.6% Hispanic students, 4.5% multiracial students, 3.9% students of Asian descent and .5% Native Americans.
- Average high school GPA is 3.3
- Average SAT score is 1061
- 59% female and 41% male
- 32% are the first in their family to attend college
- 11% received credit for Advanced Placement test results
- 30% took part in dual-enrollment programs in which they received college credit for college-level classes taught physically in their high schools
- 30% have to get up for an 8 a.m. class