Financial Aid Office to hold information nights
Presentations scheduled at McKean and Potter County high schools

The University of Pittsburgh at Bradford’s Financial Aid staff will offer free financial aid information sessions for college-bound students.
The in-person financial aid presentations at regional high schools will begin over the next several weeks and conclude in early November 2023. The schedule is as follows:
6 p.m. Oct. 26 Kane Area High School
6 p.m. Nov. 2 Austin Area School
6 p.m. Nov. 2 Coudersport Area Jr.-Sr. High School
9 a.m. Nov. 4 Otto-Eldred High School hosting Smethport and Oswayo Valley Area High Schools
6 p.m. Nov. 9 Bradford Area High School
Information covered will include basic information on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), deadlines, and tips that will make completing the FAFSA easier. A counselor will also talk about the financial aid process for both federal and state aid. Finally, the counselor will talk about different situations that can affect aid, such as income and whether a student is considered a dependent or independent student. There will be time for questions during or after the presentation.
In January 2024, the Financial Aid staff will offer a series of FAFSA completion events. More information will be forthcoming once dates and locations are set.
Those sessions will enable families to complete the FAFSA online with some help from the staff. For more information, may contact, Deborah Soyke, Assistant Director of Financial Aid, at 814-362-7550 or