
Friends of Hanley Library to present annual holiday readings on WESB

The Friends of Hanley Library will present its 21th annual “Seasonal Readings” on WESB’s LiveLine Wednesday, Dec. 11.

The Friends of Hanley Library will present its 21th annual “Seasonal Readings” on WESB’s LiveLine Wednesday, Dec. 11.

The show, which can be heard at 1490 AM, will be broadcast at 12:30 p.m.

Dr. Donald Ulin will offer a program based on Dr. Martin Luther King’s Christmas Eve sermon from December 24, 1967, just about three and a half months before he was assassinated. The topic of the sermon, in keeping with its occasion, is “Peace on Earth and Good Will to Men.” Listeners will recognize references in this sermon to his famous “I Have a Dream” speech, given 50 years ago in late August during the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom.

The annual radio readings on WESB began with the late Dr. Robert C. Laing, Jr., professor emeritus at Pitt-Bradford. Since 2001 Dr. Donald Ulin, associate professor of English, has carried on this Bradford tradition.

The Friends of Hanley Library was founded in 1990 to strengthen relations between the community and Pitt-Bradford’s Hanley Library. The Friends also acquaint area residents with what the library has to offer by sponsoring cultural and educational programs, usually related to books and their authors.
