
Pitt-Bradford Faculty Publish and Present

History faculty members publish article and chapter

Adam Cilli

University of Pittsburgh at Bradford faculty members continue to publish, and a few even managed to present at conferences before travel restrictions went into effect due to the spread of the coronavirus.

Dr. Adam Lee Cilli, assistant professor of history, has a forthcoming article in the Journal of Women’s History (published by Johns Hopkins University Press). His article, “The Curing of Ills: African American Women Reformers at the Intersections of Race, Class, and Gender during the Interwar Period,” unearths the crucial but understudied work of black women activists in early 20th-century Pittsburgh.  This scholarship builds on Cilli’s 2019 article publications in the Journal of Urban History and the Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography.

His colleague, Dr. Drew Flanagan, visiting professor of history, published a chapter in German in the book “Journeys into the Past: History Tourism in the 19th and 20th Centuries.” The chapter, “You are Going to Germany!: French travel literature and the History of the Rhine (1945-1955),” deals with the intersection of tourism history and the history of the Allied occupation of Germany after World War II.

Four composition instructors presented at the New York College English Association Conference: Catherine Kula, visiting assistant director of the writing center, presented “Writing Centers: The Academic Contact Zone,” Matt Salvia, visiting instructor of composition, presented “Radical Empathy Pedagogy: On Telling Stories about Whiteness,” Jessica Vigliotta, instructor of composition, presented “iTeach iGen: iNeed IDEAS!” and instructor Dani Michel presented “All the Kids are Doing It: Mainstreaming Diversity and Decolonization in Higher Education.”

Kula also presented a revision of her paper at the Mid-Atlantic Writing Centers Association Conference held at Towson University in Maryland.

Dr. Nancy McCabe, professor of writing, has had poems accepted to Gyroscope Review, Westchester Review and two anthologies, “The Louisville Anthology” and “From Newborn Stars to Old Woman Moon.”

Additionally, her essay “Metamorphosis,” originally published in Southern Indiana Review, was named to the list of Notable Essays of 2018 by Best American Essays 2019. It was the eighth time she had been recognized by Best American publications.

Dr. Tracee Howell, assistant professor of English, served on panels at two regional conferences. She served as chair of an academic panel at the Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association Annual Conference in San Diego.

She also served on a panel, presented a paper and worked in a mentorship program at the Northeast Modern Language Association Annual Conference in Boston.

Finally, Dr. Wes Chiang, assistant professor of marketing, will make a virtual presentation of his paper, “Marketing Mistakes or Unethical Marketing – Two Case Studies in the Era of Commercialization of Higher Education” at the International Conference on Management, Leadership and Business Intelligence at the Sam Houston State University in Houston March 30-31.
