
Programs combine forces to show off art of virtual reality

Faculty and students from the Pitt-Bradford's art and computer information systems and technology programs have combined forces to present art in virtual reality.

The university has been closed Friday, Jan. 12, due to flooding. The exhibition opening has been rescheduled for noon, Jan. 16.


Faculty and students from the Pitt-Bradford's art and computer information systems and technology programs have combined forces to present art in virtual reality.

Their combined effort, “Explore the World of Virtual Reality,” a free exhibit, will take place from Jan. 12 through 26 in the KOA Art Gallery in Blaisdell Hall on campus. Stations in the gallery will allow visitors to use virtual reality to experience the feeling of driving a racecar, skydiving or going on other adventures.

At other stations, virtual reality projects by computer information systems and technology students will be available, including several games and a tour of campus.

In another room, visitors can virtually explore artwork created by art students and experiment with a three-dimensional, virtual reality medium by Google called Tilt Brush. Tilt Brush allows users to draw in three dimensions and even around themselves.

The show is a collaboration of Anna Lemnitzer, assistant professor of art, and Jeremy Callinan of the CIS&T program.

“We want to reach out to other areas of the campus to collaborate with us in this space,” Lemnitzer said. “Visual arts and computer information systems and technology are such a good combination.

“We're breaking new ground in terms of interactive art on campus.”

Courtney Mealy, assistant director of arts programming and gallery manager, said that large museums and galleries are increasingly incorporating technologies such as VR to explore new genres or offer 360-degree tours of their galleries to those who cannot visit.

Gallery hours are from 8:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Friday. The gallery will be closed Monday, Jan. 15, in observance of Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday. The exhibit will also be open during evening hours on Jan. 25, when the Bradford Creative and Performing Arts Center will present “Skatetacular Dreams on Ice.”