Student newspaper earns first-place award
Pitt-Bradford's student newspaper, The Source, has won a first-place award for excellence from the Scholastic Press Association in its annual contest for scholastic yearbooks, magazines, and newspapers for 2016, Tim Ziaukas, The Source's faculty adviser said.
Pitt-Bradford's student newspaper, The Source, has won a first-place award for excellence from the Scholastic Press Association in its annual contest for scholastic yearbooks, magazines, and newspapers for 2016, Tim Ziaukas, The Source's faculty adviser said.
“This recognition represents the work of editors Delaney Held and Lauren Ball and managing editor Jerry Davis. They led the team through a challenging year,” he said. “Congratulations to them and to the writing, design and distribution staff as well.”
The judges wrote, “You have an excellent student newspaper, which shows the creativity and journalistic knowledge of your editors, writers, photographers, layout/graphic designers and adviser.”
The Source is in its fourth decade of reporting the news on the University of Pittsburgh at Bradford campus. The newspaper appears six times during the fall and spring terms. Staffed by the Division of Communication and the Arts, the paper is funded by Student Government Association.