Undergraduate research highlighted at scholarship fair
Student presenters from all five academic divisions to share work

More than 50 students will present the results of their research at the annual Undergraduate Research and Scholarship Fair April 15 in the Frame-Westerberg Commons.
“Research provides students with an opportunity to apply their knowledge outside of the classroom,” said Dr. Warren Fass, director of undergraduate research. “Undergraduate research provides students a chance to obtain a deeper understanding of their disciplines and develop further their critical thinking skills. These students and their faculty mentors have devoted many hours toward the completion of the research being showcased.”
Students studying nursing, Japanese language and culture and biology will display posters of their work in the Mukaiyama University Room from 10 to 11:15 a.m. Poster presentations by students studying experimental and other psychology, chemistry and biology will take place in the same space from 11:30 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. The public is welcome to visit the fair and view poster and oral presentations, which begin at 9 a.m. in the special dining rooms of the Commons.
The schedule of oral presentations is as follows: 9 a.m., Daytona Wentzel, a psychology major from Montoursville, “Unstable Presidencies and Corruption in Peru”; 9:15 a.m., Alyssa Andersen, an accounting major from Warren, and Ashton Beckerink, a sport and recreation management major from Jamestown, N.Y., “Girl Scout Cookie Shortage”; 9:30 a.m., Aidan Broderick, a business management major from Southampton, “Flavored Syrup and Concentrates Manufacturing Industry Analysis”; 9:45 a.m., Jacob Goldsmith, a psychology major from Kane, “Physical and Patronymic Attractiveness Impacting Job Acquisition”; 10 a.m., Tyrone Bowen-Collateta, a health and physical education major from Salamanca, N.Y., “Native American Imagery in Sports: How Views Can be Addressed in Today’s Society”;
10:15 a.m., Tyler Babinski, a computer information systems and technology major from West Pittston, “Characterizing Reddit Inflammatory Bowel Disease Communications Throughout the COVID-19 Pandemic: Sentiment Analysis and Topic Modeling”; 10:30 a.m., Nadiya Andrews, a biology major from Lansdowne, “Elucidating microRNA Expression Correlation with Heat Shock Proteins and Immune Gene in Heterogeneous Tissues”; 10:45 a.m., Bryce Aniszewski, an energy science and technology and engineering science major from Pittsburgh, “Determining if the Applications of Ultrasound and/or Microwaves Will Affect the Extraction of Lithium from Various Sizes of Clay Particles”;
11:15 a.m., Adriana Gallas, a biology major from East Stroudsburg, “An Overview of Invasive Ductal Carcinoma in Women’s Breast Cancer”; 11:30 a.m., Janelis Duran, an international affairs and history-political science major from Philadelphia, “The Legacy of the Trujillo Regime: Threats to Democracy in the Dominica Republic”; 11:45 a.m., Thorin Kardell, a history-political science major from Pittsburgh, “Russian Interference and Coopted Opposition in Belarus”; Noon, John Festa, an international affairs and history-political science major from Port Jervis, N.Y., “Assessing Regime Dynamics in Chinese Autocracy”; and 12:15 p.m., Linda Cardaci, a biology major from Long Pond, “Elections, Cycles of Protest, Global Responses, and Dynamics in the Iranian Regime.”