Gabriella Campogiani ’25
Biology/Pre-med major

A striking moment in the early life of Gabriella Campogiani, a junior biology/pre-med major from Bradford, sparked her interest in the medical field.
“When I was 9 years old, my grandfather was babysitting me and had a massive stroke. I have memories of the Life Flight, the medical personnel, and the Buffalo hospital, and I have been fascinated with the medical field ever since.”
Campogiani also has been interested in research since high school and wanted to build on her in-class knowledge with hands-on experience.
She got the research opportunity she was looking for when Melissa Odorisio, an organic chemistry instructor, suggested she examine phytochemicals and antioxidant values and their behaviors in plants.
Phytochemicals are a plant’s natural defense mechanism, which work similarly to our immune system. Campogiani is examining the curing properties of phytochemicals.
“A lot of herbal supplements are being brought into medicine right now,” Campogiani said, “and the younger generation is moving away from Big Pharma, so we want to look at phytochemicals as a way to possibly help cure something.”
Campogiani hopes her research will help her stand out when she applies to medical school. She also thinks her application will stand out because she’s getting “an organic chemistry spin on the research on top of biology.”
She explained that most biology/premed majors conduct their research under the guidance of a biology professor while she’s working with an organic chemistry faculty member.
In addition to witnessing her grandfather’s medical emergency, Campogiani was inspired to pursue a career in medicine by her sister, Dr. Caitlin Szczupak, who is a physician in Bradford.
“I’ve always been fascinated with being able to save someone’s life.”