Madison Miller '25
Double major in biology and forensic science

For four weeks over the summer, Madison Miller learned some of the differences in the health care system between the United States and other European countries.
Miller, a double major in biology and forensic science from Erie, traveled with other students to Austria and Slovenia as part of the Comparative Healthcare in Graz program, which enables students to discover health care and policy practices in other parts of the world.
“I learned that the universal health care system in the other countries contributes to a more stress-free life when it comes to unexpected illnesses and medical needs,” Miller said.
She also learned that people in the health care system who are disabled or experiencing homelessness are treated much differently in Austria and Slovenia than in the United States.
“This is what really inspired me because when talking to these individuals, they were very positive and grateful to the government for supplying them with programs and resources.”
In addition to her study-abroad experience, Pitt-Bradford’s smaller campus environment is helping Miller get the most out of her college experience.
“I really am more than a number,” she said.
With smaller classes, she said, professors can tailor their classes to fit the needs and interests of their students, while still presenting the required material. Having smaller labs enables students “to work on advanced equipment one-on-one with your professors, so you really gain the hands-on knowledge of the instruments.”
The smaller environment makes a difference outside of class as well.
“When walking around campus, everyone will greet you with a smile and it further contributes to the warm and friendly feel of campus.”
“Students also have the freedom to explore interests outside of academics through our clubs and organizations. Since campus is smaller, there are many opportunities to get involved in a leadership position from the very start.”
Madison should know. She’s very active on campus, including serving as president of Student Activities Council.