Student Teaching
The Student Teaching Application must be submitted during the semester prior to student teaching. Students must be fully admitted to the Certification Program, which means passing all basic skills requirements and having a 3.0 GPA.
Student teaching placements are arranged the semester before student teaching is done. For example, if you plan to student teach during the fall semester, your application for student teaching will be due in early March; for spring semester student teaching, applications will be due in early October. Jody Randolph will meet with students who are ready for student teaching to explain the application process.
There are a couple of things that can be done in advance of turning in an application:
- If necessary, renew ALL of your clearances. Clearances are good for five years and should not expire while student teaching. However, if a school district wants updated clearances, the district's request must be granted.
- Complete the PDE Arrest/Conviction Form because some school districts will require this form when you submit your clearances.
- Provide proof of training in the recognition and reporting of child abuse. You can access the online training by clicking on the hyperlinked text in the previous sentence or by logging into In the search bar on, enter "Child Abuse Recognition and Reporting." Please note, you will create an account on the site; do not use your Pitt username and password.
- Proof of training for the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). When you get to the link for training, click on "access the course." Register as a new user. You only need to do the training for FERPA 101: For Local Education Agencies. Print the certificate at completion.
- Prepare a letter for your cooperating teachers.
- Update your resume.

A mandatory orientation meeting is held before student teaching begins. For the fall semester, the meeting is in August. For the spring semester, the meeting is in December. Cooperating teachers and the University supervisors are also invited to this meeting.
Application for student teaching
Student teaching guide
According to the PA Department of Education, "The integrity of the student teaching experience must be protected. A candidate should have a supervised experience which allows them to concentrate on applying the skills and knowledge they have acquired in their respective program." However, PDE does allow student teachers to serve as a substitute for no more than 10 days. We prefer that our student teachers not be used as substitutes but, if needed, a student teacher may be used as a substitute only during the second placement. In the event of prolonged absence by the cooperating teacher, the school should consider reassignment of the student teacher to another certified teacher in the same school.
Forms for Student Teachers, Cooperating Teachers, and Supervisors:
- Conversion Sheet for Grades
- Grade Sheet (Excel Sheet Download)
- Lesson Plan Rubric
- Lesson Plan Template
- Mid-Term Evaluation (PDF)
- Mid-Term Evaluation (Excel Sheet Download)
- Midterm Goals
- Observation Form Option A
- Observation Form Option B
- Observation Form Option C
- Observation Form (Danielson) Option D
- PDE 430 Evaluation (PDF)
- PDE 430 Evaluation (Excel Sheet Download)
- 430A Worksheet
- Supervisor Visitation Log