
Health Insurance

All graduate, professional, and undergraduate students, and their dependents, are eligible for student health coverage through the University of Pittsburgh.

Pennsylvania Medical Assistance (Medicaid)

Information about PA Medical Assistance can be found here.

To apply for PA Medical Assistance online go here.

Students that are referred to physicians or health care agencies in the community must assume financial responsibility for the cost of those services.


What can you do now to prepare in case an Emergency Room or Doctor Office visit is needed while at Pitt-Bradford?

  • Make sure that you have a copy of your insurance card.
  • Understand and familiarize yourself with any co-pays that might apply for services used. (i.e. – Prescriptions, ER visit, PCP, Specialist)
  • CALL YOUR INSURANCE PROVIDER NOW and explain that you will be attending Pitt-Bradford.
    • Ask if your plan will pay for you to be seen at our Campus Physician’s office (located off-campus) while you are attending Pitt-Bradford. 
      • Campus Physician Information: 
        Bradford Regional Medical Services
        J. Wojcik, MD
        D. Gregoire, PA-C 
        195 Pleasant St. 2nd floor
        Bradford, PA 16701
      • Is there a co-pay?
      • If your insurance does not allow you to be seen by our Campus Physicians, find out what doctors in the Bradford area you are permitted to see under your plan.
    • Please take a few minutes to become familiar with the basics of your insurance plan and be prepared for when medical services are needed during your time at Pitt-Bradford.

Plan now

No one wants to figure out these details when they are sick or injured.

*Note – Health insurance is not required for attendance at Pitt-Bradford, but it is strongly encouraged in case medical treatment is needed beyond the scope of services offered on campus.


Please call University of Pittsburgh Benefits Department Customer Support for general inquiries at 833-852-2210. Open Monday-Friday 8:30am – 5pm where the call will be personally answered by a customer service representative.