Our Students
Get to know our student body!
Student Enrollment - 1,010
Student/Teacher Ratio - 13:1
Typical Class Size - 17 students
Race and Ethnicity Stats -
- American Indian/Alaska Native 0.5%
- Asian 5.9%
- Black/African American 10.8%
- Hispanic/Latino 7.5%
- Multi-Racial 3.6%
- Native Hawaiian/ Pac Island 0.1%
- Not Specified 0.7%
- Unknown 2.8%
- White 68.2%
- 51.5% female, 48.2% male, .3% unreported or other.
Where students are from - 66.7% from PA, 16.2% from NY, and 17.1% from all other states and countries.
Top 5 Counties -
- McKean 21.8%
- Allegheny 4.6%
- Warren 3.6%
- Elk 3.2%
- Potter 2.9%
Scholarships - 44.5% are Pell Grant eligible, 64.8% currently have a merit award, a GBNYS award, or other at-entry grant, and 23.9% received a donor award
First generation - 41% are first-generation college students.
Campus living - 78.1% live on campus.
Athletes - 24.1% are student-athletes.
Top Ten Majors -
- Biology/Pre-Med 9.1%
- Business Management 8.0%
- Nursing/Pre-Nursing 7.2%
- Exercise Science 6.8%
- Psychology 5.5%
- CIS&T 5.5%
- Criminal Justice 5.0%
- Early Level Education 4.4%
- Mechanical Engineering Tech 4.3%
- Undeclared 3.8%
2023-2024 College in High School program
College in the High School allows students to earn college credits from certain courses taught by their high school teachers who are certified through the program.
- 1,216 students enrolled
- 7,251 credits
- 2,217 classes registered
- 30 high schools participating this year: Austin, Bradford CHS, Brookville CHS, Cameron County, Clearfield, Coudersport, Cranberry, East Forest, Eisenhower, Elk County Catholic, Franklin, Galeton, Johnsonburg, Kane, North Clarion, North East, Northern Potter, Oil City, Oswayo Valley, Otto Eldred, Port Allegany, Ridgway, Rocky Grove, Smethport, St. Marys, Titusville, Warren, West Forest, and Youngsville
- Tuition savings of $3,848,694
- 159 have applied to the University of Pittsburgh
- 75 of those applied to Pitt-Bradford