Writing Center
Want to be a stronger writer? A better reader?

Check out the schedule and use Navigate Student to schedule appointments with a Writing Center consultant:
“Why should I make an appointment with the Writing Center?”
- To work on your writing skills and processes and enhance your critical thinking skills
- To develop new writing and reading strategies
- To become more confident in your writing
- To have a second set of eyes read your work
- To talk about your work in a constructive manner in a safe, professional setting
Appointments are usually 30 minutes, but if needed, students may schedule two back-to-back appointments for an hour. This semester, we are also offering 60-minute appointments on Fridays.
At the time of your appointment, please have the following:
- the prompt/assignment (via Canvas or a printed copy)
- a printed copy of your draft (if that’s where you’re at in the writing process!)
- your laptop (to follow along with the consultant)
- questions about the assignment and/or your draft
- an open mind and good attitude
Questions? Email Catherine Kula ckula@pitt.edu
Write On!
Located on the second floor of the Hanley Library, the Writing Center has experienced faculty consultants available to help student writers of all levels and abilities at any stage of the writing process, from brainstorming and drafting to revision, editing, formatting, and achieving stylistic punch and sophistication. Common areas of focus include thesis statements, essay organization, word choice, recognizing pattern errors in grammar and punctuation, evaluating and using sources, managing in-text citations, and critical reading skills.
Your consultant will help you analyze, among other things
- Thesis
- Content
- Focus
- Organization and Structure
- Citations and References
- Grammar, Punctuation, and Spelling
- Word choice, etc.
Working with students who are English language learners | The Writing Center has useful articles on working effectively with students whose first language is a language other than English. Addressing the Learning Needs of Speakers of English as a Second Language written by Writing Center consultant and ESL specialist, Gary Tessmer is a good place to start. |
Framework for Success in Postsecondary Writing | For a great resource about helping college students improve their writing, please check out the Council of Writing Program Administrator's "Framework for Success in Postsecondary Writing." |
Sloan-C's video on course and syllabus design | View the Sloan Consortium's informative video on creating strong course goals, learning objectives, and assessments. |
Vertical Writing Model | Takes you to the Vertical Writing Model of the Writing Across the Curriculum program at Appalachian State University. This model, which tracks skills students will master through each of their four years, "was designed to give students continued support for writing during their careers at Appalachian, with writing experience each year, and a structure to archive writing for both students and the university." |
- How to Write a Great College Essay by Catherine Kula
Center Director

Our Consultants

Adjunct Instructor of Composition & International Studies
Division of Communication and the Arts
Email: reg3@pitt.edu
Location: 234C Swarts Hall